Pikmin 3 and New Super Luigi U Help Improve Wii U Sales in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2013 6

Pikmin 3 and New Super Luigi U Help Improve Wii U Sales in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The release of Pikmin 3 in Japan has improved the Wii U hardware sales in Nintendo's home turf since its launch on July 13th.

With the much anticipated title hitting retail on the 13th July, it sold 92,720 copies in its first two days at retail, according to new Media Create figures. The launch also boosted hardware figures for the Wii U significantly from a measly 8,251 units to a far healthier 22,199 units.

New Super Luigi U, which was released at retail on the same day as Pikmin 3, presumably also helped push Wii U hardware sales with a respectable 24,881 units sold.

The Wii U, however, is still performing lower than the 3DS, which almost provided double sales at 43,435 units for the week with seven titles in the top 20.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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It need all the help it can get. It's apparently tracking lower than the GameCube at the moment Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
It need all the help it can get. It's apparently tracking lower than the GameCube at the moment Smilie

Is that really a surprise, i'd say that by this time in the Gamecube's life there were some really killer games out! Lets not forget Smash Bros being out in the launch window probably helped!

The GameCube only sold 4 million in Japan in total...if Wii U is tracking lower, that's not good news at all. GameCube was a disaster due to a sparse line-up, so Nintendo really needs to do what it's done with the 3DS recently and just hammer big release after big release.

You can't go off the back of the biggest home console ever to one of the worst...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I'm one of those 92, 720. Make sure you guys purchase it when it comes out over there! It's a great game. Well worth the wait. 

Flynnie said:
Adam Riley said:
It need all the help it can get. It's apparently tracking lower than the GameCube at the moment Smilie

Is that really a surprise, i'd say that by this time in the Gamecube's life there were some really killer games out! Lets not forget Smash Bros being out in the launch window probably helped!

I still have the Edge issue devoted to the GameCube prior to UK release, which had an article on the GC launch in Japan. It's definitely not a good thing to be tracking lower than Japan...

On that topic, I'll have to dig it out and make some scans of it...

Edit: Was this issue:


Shame they don't have any archives of the actual articles.

( Edited 23.07.2013 02:10 by Modplan Man )

Modplan Man said:
Flynnie said:
Adam Riley said:
It need all the help it can get. It's apparently tracking lower than the GameCube at the moment Smilie

Is that really a surprise, i'd say that by this time in the Gamecube's life there were some really killer games out! Lets not forget Smash Bros being out in the launch window probably helped!

I still have the Edge issue devoted to the GameCube prior to UK release, which had an article on the GC launch in Japan. It's definitely not a good thing to be tracking lower than Japan...

On that topic, I'll have to dig it out and make some scans of it...

Edit: Was this issue:


Shame they don't have any archives of the actual articles.

Looks sexy!!! 

Meh, i don't get why the GC was received so badly in the first place, i loved it in its first year! Much more than compared to Wii U! 

Waverace, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Smash Bros, Star Wars Rogue Leader, Wind Waker , Mario Sunshine, Star Fox Adventures, TimeSplitters 2, Star Wars Clone Wars, Sonic Mega Collection, Metroid Prime...I am sure there are more but thats is amazing compared to what we have right now!!

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