Disgruntled Fans Petition Against Wii U Sonic the Hedgehog Exclusivity

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2013 19

Disgruntled Fans Petition Against Wii U Sonic the Hedgehog Exclusivity on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A group of frustrated Sonic the Hedgehog fans have started a petition against recent news of Nintendo-exclusive Sonic titles.

With the next three Sonic titles - including the recently announced Sonic Lost World - heading exclusively to Wii U, those who don't have the intention to jump onboard the new hardware have started a petition to try and change all that.

It's certainly not the first time Nintendo have had exclusive games - the Wii itself was treated to a bevvy of titles including the critically acclaimed Sonic Colours.

If these petitions do gain enough support, the exclusivity may just turn to a timed one at that.

What do you think of the move? Should franchises like Sonic the Hedgehog have platform-exclusive releases?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

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When will people learn?


Final Fantasy XIII had one. What did it do? Jack diddly squat.
There were a bunch of other ones that didn't do anything.
Ugh, people always wanna get their way.

Good grief... *face palm* Just don't buy the friggin system is then. Nintendo's TRYIN to build up they're install base and some selfish gamers who don't wanna buy the system are SO upset that they dont want a company to succeed with they're new console by getting a game they may not even buy??? What is the world comin to? Jeez.

I'd say they have a solid case.....but Vanquish, Phantasy Star Online 2 & the first Bayonetta NOT being available for Nintendo systems shoot that down fast.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

CrystalMushroom said:
When will people learn?


Final Fantasy XIII had one. What did it do? Jack diddly squat.
There were a bunch of other ones that didn't do anything.
Ugh, people always wanna get their way.

What about Operation Rainfall?

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justonesp00lturn said:
CrystalMushroom said:
When will people learn?


Final Fantasy XIII had one. What did it do? Jack diddly squat.
There were a bunch of other ones that didn't do anything.
Ugh, people always wanna get their way.

What about Operation Rainfall?

That's actually what  I was going to say....but that example was more localization than porting content. Also I'd hazard a guest that SEGA is doing this as thanks for Nintendo helping them & Platinum Games out with fully funding Bayo 2 which is a nice gesture from SEGA.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

justonesp00lturn said:
CrystalMushroom said:
When will people learn?


Final Fantasy XIII had one. What did it do? Jack diddly squat.
There were a bunch of other ones that didn't do anything.
Ugh, people always wanna get their way.

What about Operation Rainfall?

That was the only exception. It had a website, many fans, and a lot of people supporting it.

This, this is just a bunch of butthurt losers because they don't want to buy a Wii U.

JudgeMethos said:
Good grief... *face palm* Just don't buy the friggin system is then. Nintendo's TRYIN to build up they're install base and some selfish gamers who don't wanna buy the system are SO upset that they dont want a company to succeed with they're new console by getting a game they may not even buy??? What is the world comin to? Jeez.

 This, this is just a bunch of butthurt losers because they don't want to buy a Wii U.

Erm, I really don't think that people are thinking about the success of the WIi U. People have gotten used to games coming out for multiple consoles, and generally that's a good thing. Given the choice between buying a game for a console you own and buying an entirely new console just for that game, which would you do? Especially seen as the WIi U doesn't have a lot going for it at the moment. Of course people don't want to buy a Wii U if they don't have to!

Whilst multi-format games are generally a good thing for the consumer, the Wii U is relatively unique as a console and so there is some scope for justifying having exclusives. It just depends on what SEGA want to do with the hardware as to how much sense it makes it keep it exclusive to the WII U.

Thats the thing.
People are extremely biased and contradict themselves all the time.
Here is how people usually react when games come out for a Nintendo console:

Port of an old game: HA! Who wants to buy that when I already have it on PS3/360?
Multiplatform Title: Pfft. The Wii U version is inferior to the PS3/360 version.
Old IP (Mario, Zelda, etc.): Stupid Nintendo, milking their franchises.
New IP: Who cares about that game?

When a game is released multiplat, they say the Wii U version is inferior. When a game is exclusive, they whine and complain. Imagine if Bayonetta 2 was multiplat, everybody would say its inferior to the other versions. Hell, i've seen dozens of people say the Wii U version of Rayman Legends is going to be inferior to the other versions. You can't constantly call a system crap for not having games, then turn around and whine that its getting an exclusive.

I would like to see if there is an actual "exclusive" contract drawn between Nintendo and SEGA on this one. SEGA have been very good to Nintendo, gifting them with some real good exclusives or at least timed exclusives.

I remember when Sonic Mega Collection was an exclusive to the GameCube...then the PS2/Xbox got Sonic Mega Collection+ and i felt a little shafted...although i had the additional games on Sonic Adventure DX it still felt like I had the inferior version

But starting a petition....sheeesh 12 years ago unless you would have had to have a SEGA console or a PC to play Sonic games . Have people really forgotten this already?

CrystalMushroom said:
Thats the thing.
People are extremely biased and contradict themselves all the time.
Here is how people usually react when games come out for a Nintendo console:

Port of an old game: HA! Who wants to buy that when I already have it on PS3/360?
Multiplatform Title: Pfft. The Wii U version is inferior to the PS3/360 version.
Old IP (Mario, Zelda, etc.): Stupid Nintendo, milking their franchises.
New IP: Who cares about that game?

When a game is released multiplat, they say the Wii U version is inferior. When a game is exclusive, they whine and complain. Imagine if Bayonetta 2 was multiplat, everybody would say its inferior to the other versions. Hell, i've seen dozens of people say the Wii U version of Rayman Legends is going to be inferior to the other versions. You can't constantly call a system crap for not having games, then turn around and whine that its getting an exclusive.

Bingo. Right on the money. People are stupid, selfish, and just plain biased.

Flynnie said:
I would like to see if there is an actual "exclusive" contract drawn between Nintendo and SEGA on this one. SEGA have been very good to Nintendo, gifting them with some real good exclusives or at least timed exclusives.

I remember when Sonic Mega Collection was an exclusive to the GameCube...then the PS2/Xbox got Sonic Mega Collection+ and i felt a little shafted...although i had the additional games on Sonic Adventure DX it still felt like I had the inferior version

But starting a petition....sheeesh 12 years ago unless you would have had to have a SEGA console or a PC to play Sonic games . Have people really forgotten this already?

This sort of BS has become very common on Nintendo's home consoles, and I dare say it was at its worst during GameCube's lifespan.

Releasing a game that is declared exclusive for a platform, then releasing it for competing platforms (sometimes with additional content and tweaks) shortly after negates exclusivity and screws the fanbase it was originally targeted at. Not to mention the platform it was suppose to be exclusive for. "Timed" exclusivity is never mentioned, either.

How many times have we seen a competing platform's 3rd party exclusive released on Nintendo's home console? I personally can't think of any. It's always a one way street on a road that shouldn't have been paved in the first place.

3rd parties need to learn to make good on their word. If they say it's going to be exclusive - MAKE IT EXCLUSIVE. If they have doubts, than they should say they're considering exclusivity or say it's timed.

Wii U has only been out for about half a year, and it's already lost a few 3rd party "exclusives". It's not surprising considering the history, but it's no less angering. Nintendo is really the only ones who can do something about this. Wii U is their console after all.

( Edited 18.05.2013 21:01 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Petition for a sonic game? Really? How long will the exclusive game remain exclusive? It will sure end up on other systems sooner or later.

There are loads of exclusive Sonic gamers on Systems, Mostly Nintendo systems, but not always, there just seems to be more of an uproar this time because internet forums are becoming more popular, and people just love to whine and complain.

People also love "Doom and Gloom", hence why you see a lot of those types of articles, it gets noticed, and at this moment in time, Nintendo "Doom and Gloom" is more popular than ever, same as Windows 8/Vista hate, or Apple hate, people just love hyperbole, and even if they really have no reason, they'll exaggerate their "feelings" and even lie/make stuff up to an extent that gets other people hating the company/product for no reason whatsoever, people, especially 'gamers' on the internet seem really easy to influence. 

Anyway, looks like this petition isn't getting anywhere, and good, it's stupid that people are complaining in the first place, it's not like there haven't been exclusives before, and won't be in the future, it's just as bad as the Bayonetta 2 hyperbole.

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If the wii U didn't need exclusives to build an install base, i'd agree with those guys. But in the present case, no, sorry. The wii U needs third party exclusives to be succesful, and this is typically the kind of exclusives it needs. the very reason that some people would like it to come on systems they own is the VERY reason it should not leave the Wii U. When so many exclusives people want finally hit the Wii U, that's when more and more people will want the system.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Stay classy sonic fans.

( Edited 19.05.2013 15:30 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Definitely needs more exclusives, and permanent ones at that.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well I think SEGA tend to take it in turns, Nintendo missed out on Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Generations (well on the Wii anyway). Nintendo will probably miss out on the next one...

Agul said:

Flynnie said:
I would like to see if there is an actual "exclusive" contract drawn between Nintendo and SEGA on this one. SEGA have been very good to Nintendo, gifting them with some real good exclusives or at least timed exclusives.

I remember when Sonic Mega Collection was an exclusive to the GameCube...then the PS2/Xbox got Sonic Mega Collection+ and i felt a little shafted...although i had the additional games on Sonic Adventure DX it still felt like I had the inferior version

But starting a petition....sheeesh 12 years ago unless you would have had to have a SEGA console or a PC to play Sonic games . Have people really forgotten this already?

This sort of BS has become very common on Nintendo's home consoles, and I dare say it was at its worst during GameCube's lifespan.

Releasing a game that is declared exclusive for a platform, then releasing it for competing platforms (sometimes with additional content and tweaks) shortly after negates exclusivity and screws the fanbase it was originally targeted at. Not to mention the platform it was suppose to be exclusive for. "Timed" exclusivity is never mentioned, either.

How many times have we seen a competing platform's 3rd party exclusive released on Nintendo's home console? I personally can't think of any. It's always a one way street on a road that shouldn't have been paved in the first place.

3rd parties need to learn to make good on their word. If they say it's going to be exclusive - MAKE IT EXCLUSIVE. If they have doubts, than they should say they're considering exclusivity or say it's timed.

Wii U has only been out for about half a year, and it's already lost a few 3rd party "exclusives". It's not surprising considering the history, but it's no less angering. Nintendo is really the only ones who can do something about this. Wii U is their console after all.

The first thing I think of on Gamecube exclusives is the 'Capcom Five' , Nintendo really have to be knuckling down on this, it seems that Microsoft seem to be able to restrict devs, Nintendo ought to too!

@Flynnie: Yeah, you said it. Nintendo is dropping the ball with keeping on top of 3rd parties. If it isn't about exclusives, it's about quality control - shoddy ports and "me too!" shovelware. There has to be something they can do.

I can only suspect the one thing that might be keeping them from whipping 3rd parties in-line would be the amount of money involved. Nintendo is a very big company, for sure, but nothing like the grand scale and deep pockets of Sony and Microsoft - who do much more than just video games.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that has been Sony & Microsoft's saving grace, and allowed them to stay in the console manufacturing business. The sheer amount of money they've lost over the years.... yeesh.

Regardless, you're right. Nintendo has to do something about 3rd party support. This kind of BS has been going on for about four console generations now. Enough is enough. We're tired of getting screwed by 3rd parties.

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Kint (guest) 20.05.2013#18

Exclusive crap only Sonic tards want.

soniclolz (guest) 29.05.2013#19

I think having sonic being nintendo exclusive since sega can focus on one console and wont have to port it over sonic also sells best on nintendo consoles

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