Report Suggests Wii U Sales are Less Than 1000 a Week for Top Titles

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2013 4

Report Suggests Wii U Sales are Less Than 1000 a Week for Top Titles on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A recent report that's looking into the shaky Wii U situation suggests that the top titles aren't hitting 1,000 units per week in the UK.

The latest GamesIndustry feature, entitled "Nintendo Wii U: Death by Apathy" discusses the difficult situation the hardware is currently in after EA Games stepped away from Nintendo earlier this week.

Without revealing any official figures, the report notes that "when you can get to number one in the Wii U charts by selling less than 1000 units it's no longer a tragedy, it's an actual farce". There's the suggestion and insider confirmation that sales for Wii U software in the UK in particular are shambolic.

The article also notes how "Nintendo can't compete with Microsoft and Sony", feeling that the "rot set in too quickly" for Nintendo to truly recover.

The only sensible move is for Nintendo to take its brands to other formats, but that's an argument we've had so many times. As Rob Fahey argued a few weeks ago, Nintendo can afford to have a failed console around its neck, but it can't afford to damage its most valuable assets, its IP.

The brands will live on. But the Wii U is a dead man walking.

What do you think of the Wii U situation in the UK and the report - does the console really have a viable future?

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Why would you report this? This article was obviously made to get a rise out of Nintendo fans.

Wasn't the rants per se, more the revelation of the less than 1000 units for the top Wii U titles per week, which is really, really poor quite frankly. UK doesn't know Wii U exists, marketing team focusing on the wrong market.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Anyone that follows the UK charts to see some degree of depth will have known this has been the case for pretty much the entire lifespan of the Wii U thus far. It's not even unknown knowledge that some Wii U games sell just a meager few hundred units in launch weeks. Not sure why it's only just come out into the open now.

I can't see Wii U ever taking off in the UK, but even if the console does fail, I don't see it as a reason for Nintendo to go multiplatform. They had a bit of downer with the GC, then came up with the Wii. They could have a cock-up with the Wii U, but they might turn it around with their next system, too. But obviously things don't look good at all for the current system, that much is certain.

jamie (guest) 18.05.2013#4

They could solve this by bringing out the Wii 2 which could be a wii u console with just a wiimote/nunchuck and knocking £50 off the asking price. The Wii U could still be available in tandem so the tech is already done. I think the difference between U and 2 is a deal breaker, and i have to say the Wii u tablet is shit! the wiimote/nunchuck was and is cool.

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