EA Has No Games in Development for Nintendo Wii U, Zitch, Nothing, Nada

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.05.2013 9

EA Has No Games in Development for Nintendo Wii U, Zitch, Nothing, Nada on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have confirmed that it has no games in development for Nintendo Wii U at the moment.

Another day, another story revolving around an atrocious lack of support from one of the industry's biggest players, EA.

After vowing to bring key releases to Nintendo's platform, there is currently nothing in the works for Nintendo Wii U. We know that titles planned to be crafted using the new Frostbyte engine aren't heading to the dual-screen system, but EA have confirmed that nothing is in the works.

"We have no games in development for the Wii U currently" Jeff Brown, speaking to Kotaku.

If nothing changes, it will mean no entries of Madden, The Sims, FIFA, Battlefield, NFL and much more this year on Nintendo Wii U.

The most recent titles was the EA-published Need For Speed: Most Wanted, critically suggested as the best console version.

The news doesn't rule out any EA Games titles in the future, but it's certainly looking very sour between EA and Nintendo at the moment.

What are your thoughts on the ongoing EA/Nintendo situation?

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OMG another ea story, WE KNOW ALREADY, we know they won't make any games, we know their engine "doesn't support" (BS) Wii U, we know already, I've seen enough of those pathetic excuses.

Besides, it's not like we're missing anything, thanks to ea's yearly releases they're nothing but shovelware nowadays.

At this point I really don't care anymore. Good riddance.
Other than their sports titles, I honestly can't even think of one of their upcoming games at the moment. They have been off my radar for a while.

Wii U is going to find its footing. Sales will pick up. It will be successful and EA will probably come crawling back. I really hope this decision bites them in the ass and other third parties fill the void and are more successful.

Cardoza9 (guest) 17.05.2013#3

EA continuing their turd-dom...

EAEX (guest) 17.05.2013#4

Dead in the water if this continues.

Nails (guest) 17.05.2013#5

EA games on the original Wii were half baked at best. One would think a larger game dev would have the skills and man power to produce better. EA, had it actually kept its word and flung some mediocrity our way, I would have past... 

EA may be a polished turd in the game industry but there's no point acting like EA's involvement in the Wii U isn't important. I might have been able to understand a lack of hunger to pump out exclusive and/or the big single player games. But losing out on the FIFA, Madden and so on - that's quite a blow. We all hoped Nintendo would keep a better relationship with third-parties with Wii U, but this isn't a good sign. Largely I guess because of the timing, it makes it even more important that we see an excellent range of games at E3 from elsewhere. I don't really see those specific titles the Wii U misses out on as particularly important themselves, it's just the general sense of 'something is amiss' that this creates for already fragile-feeling developers invested in the system.  

( Edited 17.05.2013 18:21 by The Strat Man )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

The Strat Man said:
 We all hoped Nintendo would keep a better relationship with third-parties with Wii U, but this isn't a good sign.
I think EA is a special case and should be separated form any other third party issues Nintendo may have. This is clearly stemming from bitterness over Nintendo's dismissal of Origin. When Wii was missing out on bigger third party games, it still got Madden and FIFA.

Even Activision, which has complained a lot, is still giving us the next Call of Duty.

Sonic_13 said:I think EA is a special case and should be separated form any other third party issues Nintendo may have. This is clearly stemming from bitterness over Nintendo's dismissal of Origin. When Wii was missing out on bigger third party games, it still got Madden and FIFA.

Even Activision, which has complained a lot, is still giving us the next Call of Duty.

Perhaps, but I don't really think it matters why they decided on this. The problem is they're such a big company, there's no way this sort of move won't draw the attention of others and force them to ask why. Even on Nintendo systems I'm sure those FIFA/Madden games sell ridiculously well, well enough for it to be worth it. 

Still, EA have been increasingly half-assed with Nintendo in recent times. Anyone remember the FIFA 12 to 13 'repackage' which basically changed.. the kits? 

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 
kingdom (guest) 17.05.2013#9

Couldn't be happier

Exclusive sonic and no EA.

That's the kind of message I want from ninty.

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