Nintendo Launches Legend of Zelda Miiverse Community

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2013 6

Nintendo Launches Legend of Zelda Miiverse Community on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have Miiverse communities for currently released Wii U titles, but what about upcoming games/franchises?

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, announced earlier this year, is one of those eagerly anticipated releases but aside from your favourite Nintendo website (hint, hint) and the local pub, where else can fans discuss these games?

The answer is simple - a dedicated Miiverse community for video game franchises. To begin, Nintendo has created and launched The Legend of Zelda Miiverse board today for folks to discuss the series, the upcoming Nintendo Wii U games and share Zelda doodles.

The The Legend of Zelda community already has a growing number of posts, drawings and dedications to the iconic adventure series, so why not pop by and say hello (in the voice of Navi, of course!).

Image for Nintendo Launches Legend of Zelda Miiverse Community

What other dedicated Miiverse franchise boards would you like to see Nintendo add to the Wii U system?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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Think we should all ask Nintendo to make the Zelda and Japanese Garden tech demos available to download. I posted the request in the community so please feel free to Yeah my post or alternatively post your own request yourselves.

Can you guys pester them to make a new 2D Zelda on my behalf, please? Cheers.

I love the idea of more general franchise communities. It enables community discussion of non-Wii U games (I know where I'm going now if I have a question during my Spirit Tracks playthrough).

Hopefully it'll also cut down on Zelda posts in non-Zelda communities, which will be nice.

Are any of you guys active on the Zelda Universe forums? They're great!

Creating a community for game series is definitely something I'd like to see a lot more of in the future. Would love for Nintendo to introduce both Metroid and Star Fox communities to Miiverse, and take suggestions for new games in the series.

I'm also wondering when they'll allow us to create our own communities, like they mentioned in Wii U Direct. Would love that!

A general virtual console one would be good to. Its a good way of telling nintendo what we want. 

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