100 Billion Yen or Satoru Iwata Resigns from Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.01.2013 15

100 Billion Yen or Satoru Iwata Resigns from Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The man we associate as the face of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, has admitted that there is a chance that he may resign.

Whilst Nintendo as a company are responsible for business decisions and development, the Nintendo boss himself feels that he is to blame for the company's shortcomings over the last two years. Iwata apologised to investors after Nintendo's financial briefing yesterday, adamant that he may resign if a 100 billion yen ($1.09 billion USD) operating income target isn't met by the end of the upcoming fiscal year: March 31st 2014.

Nintendo are currently on target to make a loss on operating profit for the current fiscal year, making the new goal a rather large one. With a slew of first party software due in 2013 including a high-definition Legend of Zelda game, a new generation of Pokémon and possible releases for new Mario games - the 100 billion yen target might just be achievable.

In order to express this commitment to restoring the Nintendo business, Iwata has put himself in the firing line.

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Apparently he became president when he was 43, which is something you would never expect in Japan. I also respect that he is trying to take responsibility for his mistakes. This may be the wake up call they needed. If they can build on the hype from the last Nintendo Direct, I don't see them not making the 100 billion yen mark.

It's a big ask, but if they get their act together this year then I guess anything's possible. Like I say, good luck to him. But a part of me would like to see a fresh Nintendo, too, and what direction a new head could take them. Iwata would likely always have a job at Nintendo, but a new prez might be good for them.

( Edited 31.01.2013 14:15 by Azuardo )

I agree, a new president could bring some magic back to the company. At the same time though, I don't want to see them go the way Capcom has in recent years.

Vitani (guest) 31.01.2013#4

"With a slew of first party software due in 2012 including ..."


Wind Waker Reborn won't help. Animal Crossing: NL and Pokemon X & Y will.

Reggie (guest) 31.01.2013#6

He never said such a thing. The quote says (which were also translated): "Please understand that [achieving it] is my commitment."

How does that imply he's going to resign, at all?

It doesn't, it's just made up and everyone is now thinking he's going to resign if they don't make their income target. Just more negative rubbish about Nintendo, as usual. Same crap, different day.

On the Wii U side it's still pretty unclear what exactly is going to be released in the next fiscal year, though it does feel like either the new 3D Mario or Mario Kart will have to be released in that time period. The 3DS should be completely fine with Animal Crossing in the West and Pokémon X/Y, possibly even the new 3DS Zelda that's in the works. More games that Japan had last year coming to the West is a nice bonus too.

Reggie (guest) said:
He never said such a thing. The quote says (which were also translated): "Please understand that [achieving it] is my commitment."

How does that imply he's going to resign, at all?

It doesn't, it's just made up and everyone is now thinking he's going to resign if they don't make their income target. Just more negative rubbish about Nintendo, as usual. Same crap, different day.

Aye; still haven't found a direct quote that says that. It's like you say - many people assume this is what he would be inclined to do. I don't think it's farfetched, though. Resigning seems to be the common practice in Japanese businesses when balls-ups happen, feeling personally responsible for the situation. Wouldn't like to see him resign outright, though. He deserves a future at Nintendo.

Iwata has made some ery long term investments over the last few years, they wont pay off quickly.

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It does seem people may have been jumping to conclusions, I still worry though. However, regardless of whether Iwata will resign or not he seems very serious about getting Nintendo on the map for 8th Gen, and I wish him the best of luck.

Azuardo said:
But a part of me would like to see a fresh Nintendo, too, and what direction a new head could take them. Iwata would likely always have a job at Nintendo, but a new prez might be good for them.

Normally I would agree, but I find it increasingly obvious that Iwata himself is the one dragged Nintendo (and its traditionals like Miyamoto) through the hedge of modern gaming, kicking and screaming if he has to. Iwata is really trying to change Nintendo, you can see it from how much he's trying to push the more modern features like Direct, online play, eShops and digital releases, etc.

People need to remember that a company is not just its President. Nintendo has been traditional for a while, Iwata wasn't just able to walk in and modernize things overnight; it seems like they tried to make efforts to modernize things by getting Miyamoto to step down from his position of authority last year which subsequently made stocks drop (one of Nintendo's most traditional also happens to be its single most influential). Iwata is being very smart about this.. it's a shame he's not in charge of Western marketing haha.

Also seems like Iwata really wants to improve relations with third parties.
So yeah, if you ask me, Nintendo needs Iwata.

( Edited 31.01.2013 19:55 by SuperLink )

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The title of the article that LS posted in the Wii U thread says that he hinted towards resignation, and the sub headline says that there is a chance that resignation may be the responsibility he takes.


 It may be jumping the gun a little to say that he hinted at resignation, but I'm sure that website knows a lot more about Japanese business practices than me.

josh (guest) 31.01.2013#12

Make Mario Kart Wii U! Problem solved.

Yeah this story is completely false, nowhere does he actually say that. Satoru Iwata knows games, he isn't the problem with Nintendo, it's the Marketing department that are just awful. Since Satoru Iwata has taken over, the variety of games they've developed has really expanded. They just need to be Marketed better

UGXwolf (guest) 11.04.2013#14

josh (guest) said:
Make Mario Kart Wii U! Problem solved.

They are working on it. They will supposedly have playable demos at E3, this year. Both for the new Mariokart /and/ the new 3D Mario. We're also supposed to be getting screenshots from the new Smash Bros, and I'm willing to bet we'll see a lot of demos and trailers for some of the titles they announced in January, then did nothing with afterwards.

jazzy_bee (guest) 06.05.2013#15

let him go, nintendo needs a new fresh face and direction to save the quickly sinking wiiu. i just don't think he's the right guy for the job anymore, times have changed. nintendo can't relie on the odd mario zelda game once or twice a year to succeed this gen. they need strong 3rd party support to help sell the wiiu. the days of the casual gaming market are over for nintendo now as the wii gets lost under the dust pile.

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