Use the GamePad as a Camera in Pikmin 3 and Share Your Pics on Miiverse

By Az Elias 23.01.2013 5

Use the GamePad as a Camera in Pikmin 3 and Share Your Pics on Miiverse on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo announced a new feature for Pikmin 3 in today's Nintendo Direct conference.

Players will be able to use their GamePad as a camera and take pictures of their enemies and scenery through the eyes of a pikmin, and will be able to share them on Miiverse.

A small announcement but one that will be sure to please many Pikmin fans!

Update: New screenshots for Pikmin 3 have been uploaded by Nintendo:

Image for Use the GamePad as a Camera in Pikmin 3 and Share Your Pics on Miiverse

Image for Use the GamePad as a Camera in Pikmin 3 and Share Your Pics on Miiverse
Image for Use the GamePad as a Camera in Pikmin 3 and Share Your Pics on Miiverse

More screenshots in the game's screens gallery below. What do you think of using the GamePad as a camera in Pikmin 3?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (353 Votes)

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To me, I was surprised the least exciting news (Besides the new party game) was Pikmin related. This looks cool and a tad fun, but my main response was; "Eh, cool."

I absolutely love this idea! I really hope they incorporate it into other games as well (Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., etc.)

Actually Smash Bros. already did for Wii, so I would be surprised if they removed it now.

Beautiful stuff. Smilie

I'll probably go for Wonderful 101 over this though.

1080p would improve this feature.

Awesome, I'll be using this function more than is good for me. Smilie

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