Rumour: Monster Hunter 4 No Longer Nintendo 3DS Exclusive

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.01.2013 7

Rumour: Monster Hunter 4 No Longer Nintendo 3DS Exclusive on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The internet has gone wild with rumours today that Capcom have delayed the upcoming Nintendo 3DS exclusive Monster Hunter 4 in order to to prep the game for release on Sony PlayStation Vita as well.

According to Japanese magazine Game Lab, the reason the game has been shifted to the summer months was not only to "improve the quality" as discussed previously, but also to develop the project in tandem with Sony's console. Whether true or not, given the popularity of Monster Hunter in Japan and on the original PSP console, it is likely that the game may eventually see a release.

Capcom have yet to comment on rumours and speculation.

What do you think of the Monster Hunter 4 rumour - would it be a big issue if the game were to head to the PSP Vita as well as Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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The delay itself was already quite surprising because it pushed the game out of Capcom's current fiscal year, which was a huge blow considering how much it would have sold. Now that delay was supposed to be because of a Vita version? Yeah...I'm not buying that. Why would they risk meeting their financial forecasts for a simultaneous release and not just bring an upgraded version to the Vita later on, to lure in more people including ones who already own the original?

This would definitively help the Vita's sales in Japan, but yeah it is unlikely, purely because the biggest reason why the series helped the PSP so much is that it was only on that handheld machine and not the DS; that wouldn't be the case here. Plus building another version and getting it up to a Vita visual standard might not make enough returns to justify the effort.

This is Capcom, they who dubbed the 'Gamecube 5' as exclusives, so we'll see.

I don't really buy it unless Sony bought Capcom's Vita support themselves. The Vita's practically bombing in all regions, while a Vita release in Japan would definitely boost sales of the system, it's already on 3DS so a lot of people wouldn't bother unless it was a remix (i.e. Monster Hunter 4G)

Still, if it gets released for anything else at all it'd be Vita tbh.. unless they prep a PS3 or WiiU version for Western release. It seems to me that Monster Hunter is more popular on portables in Japan (by very far) due to local wireless, and more popular on home systems in the West due to online play.

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Everything is more popular on portables in Japan. The video game market there is abysmal, but the handheld market there holds its own and in some cases out-performs the US market. This wouldn't surprise me at all.

I don't think Capcom would delay the game just to bring it to Vita, but I think that theory is backwards. If anything, they're probably bringing it to Vita because they had to delay the game anyway to make it better, so they may as well make up for it by marketing to the people who have a Vita and not a 3DS.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
 they may as well make up for it by marketing to the people who have a Vita and not a 3DS.

Which is probably a negligible audience, especially in Japan.

If it cost more than "jack shit" to port, I don't think Capcom would consider it cost effective at this point in the Vita's life. Before porting to Vita becomes worthwhile it needs a userbase built on exclusives.

( Edited 18.01.2013 19:10 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:

Which is probably a negligible audience, especially in Japan.

If it cost more than "jack shit" to port, I don't think Capcom would consider it cost effective at this point in the Vita's life. Before porting to Vita becomes worthwhile it needs a userbase built on exclusives.

Just looked up the Vita's sales numbers. I new they weren't good, but I had no idea they were that bad. Still, there must be some point in developing for it, otherwise companies probably wouldn't be doing it at all, yet you see huge companies like Ubisoft making exclusives for it, so I assume it's cheap enough to develop for.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I doubt it's as expensive to develop for as the PS3 or anything but

a lot of a console's early exclusives are usually deals between a developer and the console developer right? So in order for the Vita to get good exclusives and support, Sony have to make their own exclusives, buy support, and generate enough of a userbase for more developers to see a reason to develop for it (same could be said for the WiiU at this point)

So yeah if Sony really wanted MH4 (or MH4G) on Vita in Japan (and of course they do!) then they could have paid Capcom to get on that.. thing is it won't sell in Japan if it's exactly the same as its more popular and cheaper equivalent that's already been out for a while.

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