Fire Emblem 3DS Bundle Contains 4GB Card for $200

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2013 5

Fire Emblem 3DS Bundle Contains 4GB Card for $200 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion


Nintendo have released additional details for the Fire Emblem: Awakening Bundle, confirming that the package includes a 4GB SD Card with a digital copy of the game installed for a neat price of $200, cheaper than separately together with additional storage.


Earlier this week Nintendo of America took to twitter to confirm a new 3DS hardware bundle to be released alongside the upcoming Fire Emblem: Awakening in the US and Canada.

The pack is similar to the one offered in Japan, however comes with a pre-installed digital copy of Awakening instead. The 3DS itself is the standard-sized model, bathed in a slick cobalt blue finish and adorned with sweet Fire Emblem designs along the front.

Image for Fire Emblem 3DS Bundle Contains 4GB Card for 0

What do you think of the design? Will you be buying the new Fire Emblem 3DS bundle?

Box art for Fire Emblem: Awakening

Intelligent Systems







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Dementedvillian (guest) 12.01.2013#1

I am ready to get this bundle! Smilie

If I ever get a 3DS, I wouldn't mind picking up this one. Ah wait, it's the standard model... I'm leaning towards a XL.

Or perhaps I should wait for a bundle with the next Zelda 3DS game. Smilie

It's a really cool model Smilie I hope it comes to EU, for the sake of those who don't have a 3DS yet.

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Canyarion said:
If I ever get a 3DS, I wouldn't mind picking up this one. Ah wait, it's the standard model... I'm leaning towards a XL.

Or perhaps I should wait for a bundle with the next Zelda 3DS game. Smilie

I really wanted to get an XL as well, but I'm actually happier with my regular size model now. Mostly because it's purple, but I also like the screens better. The screen on the regular is glossy, and the XL screen is a matte LCD. I think the 3D effect on the XL is better, because the screens are larger (the stretching has not seemed to be a factor in my experience). If color is important to you, the selection for the XL is terrible.

My only gripe with the original size 3DS is the location of the stylus, but I haven't gone into any stylus-heavy games yet. 

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Not a big fan of pre-installed when it comes to Nintendo since they still suck at online accounts, but for $200 I would totally overlook that. If I didn't already have a 3DS I'd be all over this.

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