Disney Patented 3D Portable Games Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2013 5

Disney Patented 3D Portable Games Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk behind Mickey Mouse and company, Disney, filed a patent back in 2011 that may indicate potential future plans to enter the games console business with a portable AR unit.

The application describes a portable, like Nintendo's own DS console, that would use forms of Augmented Reality (AR) to provide a "visual scene for display using one or more camera devices". The user would then be able to output a 3D image on the screen using a parallax barrier, in combination with motion sensors, to detect a viewing angle - the same approach used by Nintendo in the 3DS

Image for Disney Patented 3D Portable Games Console

The result would form a 3DS-esque console with the AR functionality in mind, with the patent describing a real-world coffee cup that could be replaced with pre-rendered footage. This cup would be blended into the scene in a dynamic way based on the lighting in the room and could end up morphing into Chip from Beauty and the Beast as an example.

Disney has yet to embark on any hardware related to the patent, but time will tell if the House of Mouse has plans to go down this route given a current focus towards mobile and social.

What do you think of the idea? Perhaps a basic hand-held interactive toy for younger ones instead of a true 3DS/Vita competitor?

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So a 3DS wannabe....

There are no hardcore nor casual gamers, we are all simply just GAMERS
Shawndell Rivers (guest) 06.01.2013#2

I Don't Care If Disney Is Ripping Off The 3DS I Think Is A Great Idea Just My Opinion.

It's ridiculous that they were allowed to patent this. If they were to release something like that, it'd be be seen as a copy-cat. Just for reference, the 3DS was released in February 2011 while the Disney thing wasn't patented until June 2011. Siliness.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

The 3DS has yet to use viewing angle to change the image its displaying, incidently.

Headtracking to enhance the steroscopicness is something I have long wanted, even before the 3DS was announced I saw it made sense from Johney Lee's Wiimote-based demo.
It would also get around the "inverted 3d" effect the 3ds has when your not looking at it right - the 3ds could know where your head is and switch the l/r images to compensate.

That all said , this is all prior art. Disney's just "pulling a Apple" here and abusing a increasing corrupt and incompetent patent office.

( Edited 07.01.2013 12:12 by Darkflame )

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Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+
kingdom (guest) 07.01.2013#5

^ this, both mr lee and patents.

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