7000 Nintendo Wii U Consoles Stolen Last Week, Worth $2 Million

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2012 6

7000 Nintendo Wii U Consoles Stolen Last Week, Worth $2 Million on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Thieves, possibly lead by Ganondorf and his minions, broke into a warehouse last weekend and stole over 7000 Nintendo Wii U consoles.

According to ABC News a air cargo company in Seattle was breached on Saturday during the night and a mammoth amount of the new hardware was stolen, worth approximately $2.1 million (£1.2 million). The heist went unnoticed until the very next day. There currently aren't any leads, but the Police are adamant that it will be a little tricky to shift that amount of stolen goods without getting caught.

Are you one of the Nintendo Wii U thieves? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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More interesting to me is the fact they haven't got a bloody clue what the difference between a Wii and Wii U is.

"The thieves managed to get away with 7,000 portable Wii gaming consoles..."

Love it.

Should never have been called Wii U and needs a much better marketing strategy.

I thought it's still unclear whether they were Wiis and Wii Us.

I don't mind that people sometimes call Wii U just Wii. You've had that with Playstation 2 as well. the 360 is still often called Xbox by casual gamers.

Canyarion said:
I thought it's still unclear whether they were Wiis and Wii Us.

I don't mind that people sometimes call Wii U just Wii. You've had that with Playstation 2 as well. the 360 is still often called Xbox by casual gamers.

They were Wii Us. And they are calling them "portable Wiis." Come on, if that doesn't sound like they don't know what a Wii U is, I don't know what does.

Our member of the week

Canyarion said:
I thought it's still unclear whether they were Wiis and Wii Us.

Assuming the estimated worth is correct, that would be Basic Packs. 7000*300$ = 2.1mil. They would definitely be Wii U consoles, not Wii.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Are you one of the Nintendo Wii U thieves? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

I am!

EDIT: Wait, no. Not me. How dare you try to trick me like this Cubed3!

Nothing to read here people. Move along.

( Edited 19.12.2012 23:12 by Sonic_13 )

Could be Premium Packs... assuming the import price of those would be around $300. Or a mix of both.

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