Poll: Vote for the Best Music in a 2012 Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.12.2012 2

Image for Poll: Vote for the Best Music in a 2012 Game

VOTE for your favourite Music of 2012

Epic, sweeping scores and bounce, bass pop beats - which game has had the best music and sound effects this year, for you?

We've covered the different Nintendo platforms in our Cubed3 Award polls, and now it's time to close our eyes for a moment and enter aural bliss with the likes of Wii gems The Last Story and Pandora's Tower, and tap toes to the addictive compositions in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and Nintendo Land.

So now it's up to you to have your say - which game of 2012 has the best music in your opinion? Place your vote in our poll and be sure to share your thoughts below.

Voting for this poll closes midnight Thursday 20th December.

For more polls and to see when to vote, click here.

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Really Kid Icarus is beating the entire Final Fantasy series, in the music department, just no. 

Kid Icarus: Uprising got my vote in the end. The way I see it, while the music in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and partly Nintendo Land already got the respect it wholly deserves in the games/times they were originally released, Uprising had simply a completely new and phenomenal soundtrack and deserves to win this more than those two.

( Edited 21.12.2012 08:49 by SirLink )

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