No Plans for Metal Gear Rising on Nintendo Wii U At the Moment

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2012 4

No Plans for Metal Gear Rising on Nintendo Wii U At the Moment on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Will Metal Gear Rising ever pummel and sneak onto the Nintendo Wii U? There currently aren't any plans.

The game, due out in February 2013 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, already has a strong following and is one of our key non-Nintendo releases for next year - but what about Wii U?

Whilst producer Yuji Korekado said that a PC version would be considered after the console release, there currently aren't any considerations to Nintendo's latest home console.

The reason being, supposedly, control - where the team have "constructed Metal Gear Rising so you can fully enjoy the game on the controllers whether it's on the PS3 or the Xbox". With the Wii U offering the same amount of input buttons, plus an additional screen, it might be a case for trying to have equal features across all platforms.

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I think their reason is complete BS and just a cover for other possible reasons, such as low install base, lack of resources to include the Wii U etc. Just don't use the damn screen if you don't want to and throw in Pro Controller support. I highly doubt Nintendo would reject games like this one just because they don't use the GamePad screen.

Shame, using the touchscreen to slice and dice a melon sounded fun. I'm more annoyed about no Anarchy Reigns. The games features 6 Madworld characters and Bayonetta yet doesn't see a Wii U release.

Wait 6 Characters from MADWORLD? I thought Jack was the only one from that universe, who are the other 5?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Big Bull Crocker

Black Baron


Rin Rin(+2 of her sisters)

Story mode also features Amala returning to help Jack out again

( Edited 19.12.2012 13:25 by JayUK )

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