German Law Responsible for eShop Restrictions

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2012 12

German Law Responsible for eShop Restrictions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last week the European Nintendo community was rather confused as to why certain eShop cames can't be accessed pre-11pm. Why? German law.

Speaking to Eurogamer today, a representative from Nintendo Europe noted how in a bid to "provide a safe gaming experience for fans of all ages", the company has to ensure with the different age restriction requirements across Europe.

Because Nintendo of Europe is based in Germany, the company's policy "applies to all our European markets. Under German law, content rated 18+ must be made available only at night." This means, as previously encountered, games like Ubisoft's ZombiU can only be accessed and downloaded on the Wii U eShop system between 11PM and 3AM in Europe.

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German law dictating what we can do, and what a stupid law it is too!

Bullshit, the walking dead is an 18, I live in Europe and I downloaded it lunchtime on a Saturday. Either Sony is breaking the law or more than likely Nintendo is being incredibly lazy in applying archaic German censorship laws to everywhere.

Nintendo and censorship? lol dude get outta here...nintendo has always been about freedom. Freedom to create, innovate and share fun with everybody. Thats why they opposed SOPA, PIPA and all those other internet laws the governments were going to push through. Nintendo is an ethical company AND they make great unique games.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

I always find German censorship laws amusing. You'd swear they we're living in a totalitarian state.

totali what now?
i love Germany. And every country they bombed. Except Luxembourg. What a shit country. dont go there Angus.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

I never stay up past ten! How would ever buy a game?! Smilie 

Trepe said:
I never stay up past ten! How would ever buy a game?! Smilie 

You goto the store?

J Tangle said:
Trepe said:
I never stay up past ten! How would ever buy a game?! Smilie 

You goto the store?

And if it's a download title?

Azuardo said:
J Tangle said:
Trepe said:
I never stay up past ten! How would ever buy a game?! Smilie 

You goto the store?

And if it's a download title?

You make the time to get it, gamers have always made time for the games they really want. You can see that with midnight releases on weekdays. This is just another obstacle (more so an inconvenience), but if someone really wants that download title they'll make the time to get it.

Right you are. Still find it to be a massive inconvenience.

Azuardo said:
Right you are. Still find it to be a massive inconvenience.

That's really what it boils down to. I don't think there's going be anyone that's going to sit there, frown, and cross their arms and say "fine i just won't play that game". If so, odds are they weren't that interested in that game to begin with.

Losing a few hours of sleep comes with having video games as your main interest and hobby. We've all experienced moments of grinding way too much only to noticed it's 3 am. Except now you'll be losing sleep to get your hands on the game. Yeah it sucks, but hopefully NoE will find  some loop hole or whatever to make it so Germany's laws aren't effecting the rest of Europe.

I'm just more concerned that it'll affect potential sales of games and the like on Wii U. This isn't gonna affect us lot here, obviously, but it might well put quite a few people off if they can't get the game they want when they want. Maybe it won't be a massive issue for sales after all, but to me it just seems like one extra thing to go against Nintendo. Like everyone else, I hope this gets sorted.

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