Homebrew Channel Now Running on Wii Mode on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.12.2012 5

Homebrew Channel Now Running on Wii Mode on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The infamous Homebrew Channel which has run on the original Wii for many years has made the jump to Nintendo Wii U.

The app, which allows users to access fan-developed software and customisations for the system, was originally throught to end once the Wii U arrived on the scene. However Nintendo's emulated Wii Mode has allowed the creators to develop the channel to run on the Wii U as well.

The group have revealed that through their efforts with the Homebrew Channel in the Wii Mode, that access to the main Wii U operating system can be found.

It isn't advised that users install the Homebrew Channel however, as any modifications to the original system will void warranty.

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Given the 3DS isnt cracked yet, Id be supprised is any wiiU-specific stuff can be run yet.

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Darkflame said:
Given the 3DS isnt cracked yet, Id be supprised is any wiiU-specific stuff can be run yet.

Agreed but Wii Mode may be the Achilles heel of Wii U.

IkeFE said:
Darkflame said:
Given the 3DS isnt cracked yet, Id be supprised is any wiiU-specific stuff can be run yet.

Agreed but Wii Mode may be the Achilles heel of Wii U.

This is a good point, there are already exploits within the Wii Mode. Ironically I think Nintendo made the Wii Mode in the first place in order to prevent hacking, but look how that turned out.

I can't help but feel this wouldn't have happened if Wii features were properly integrated into the WiiU.. c'mon Nintendo, make it happen. I want Wii games and Channels playable from the WaraWara Plaza/WiiU Menu.

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If Nintendo had spent more than 5 minutes on the integration, this wouldn't have happened. On the plus side, I can still play No More Heroes uncut.

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Was looking into it this afternoon, but still undecided... I have all the necessary stuff ready to be used though Smilie.

I bought so many Wii games, of which a decent amount of imports, so I'd be happy if I could play Wii U imports as well.

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