Resident Evil: Revelations Creator Wants to Try Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2012 14

Resident Evil: Revelations Creator Wants to Try Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The chap who directed the 3DS-exclusive Resident Evil: Revelations has expressed a desire to work on Wii U.

In an interview with ONM, Koshi Nakanishi was curious about the GamePad setup and noted how it would "enable content creators to come up with all kinds of never-before-seen gameplay ideas" and how he'd like to try "something that couldn't be done on any other hardware".

Whilst not confirming that anything is in the works for the Wii U, Nakanishi did mention how "it would let us create a very unique and fun Resident Evil game", going beyond what was possible on the Nintendo 3DS.

Resident Evil fans - what would you like to see from Capcom on the Wii U?

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If he wants to create another Resident Evil game that's like Revelations, I'd buy it for sure. Revelations was fantastic.

If it were to be a sequel, I'd rather it be 3DS exclusive again. But if it was to be a completely new game, based around the ideas of Revelations, it would be awesome. Can you imagine using the scanner by holding the GamePad up to the screen and scanning BOWs/Zombies? It would be awesome. This is why we also need a new Metroid Prime or something, it would be truly amazing.

Resident Evil 6 can stay on the other platforms, bring something exclusive to Wii U, as awesome as Revelations and I will love you forever.

Revelations was  awesome, the demo for RE6 convinced me not to buy the game. Would love to see this guy make something for Wii U.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Would be great to have a huge mansion setting with a dyanamic map, easy access to items/weapons and maybe some sort of communication feature if playing co-operative - especially if online. Definitely needs to take step back and refresh the series.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I am still hoping that RE6 will make its way to Wii U soon though...

I agree, if anything juat to shut the ignorant fanbase up who think "popular" AAA titles don't appear on Nintendo systems. Just like I don't care enough about FF7 to feel an absolute NEED for the remake to appear on the U, but I realise it would help Nintendo greatly to carry games like that.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
I agree, if anything juat to shut the ignorant fanbase up who think "popular" AAA titles don't appear on Nintendo systems.

But then they'll just whine about how the game has been available "forever" on all other systems and say the Wii U sucks because of it anyway.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I agree, if anything juat to shut the ignorant fanbase up who think "popular" AAA titles don't appear on Nintendo systems.

But then they'll just whine about how the game has been available "forever" on all other systems and say the Wii U sucks because of it anyway.

Well that is the case with Arkham Asylum surely? I am a little surprised its not a launch title for the Wii U to be fair....

Flynnie said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I agree, if anything juat to shut the ignorant fanbase up who think "popular" AAA titles don't appear on Nintendo systems.

But then they'll just whine about how the game has been available "forever" on all other systems and say the Wii U sucks because of it anyway.

Well that is the case with Arkham Asylum surely? I am a little surprised its not a launch title for the Wii U to be fair....

It IS a launch title for the Wii U. In Europe at least. Smilie Plus it has all DLC included and exclusive stuff. If Capcom were to do this with RE6, maybe I'd reconsider. But, I still would rather a game in the style of Revelations!

Sorry my previous post may have been a bit confusing, i meant that it would be good if Resi 6 was a Wii U launch title,

My Arkham Asylum comment was in regards to this;

justonesp00lturn said:
Vorash Kadan said:
I agree, if anything juat to shut the ignorant fanbase up who think "popular" AAA titles don't appear on Nintendo systems.

But then they'll just whine about how the game has been available "forever" on all other systems and say the Wii U sucks because of it anyway.

Ah right! Yeah, your comment was a little misleading, haha. No worries though! Smilie
I agree, having Resi 6 as a launch title for Wii U could prove somewhat promising for Capcom. Though, it may also affect the sales of ZombiU, which I wouldn't want to happen, as it seems like that's one of the best launch titles in terms of showing off the GamePad's features.

( Edited 27.10.2012 13:55 by Mush )

Mush said:
Ah right! Yeah, your comment was a little misleading, haha. No worries though! Smilie
I agree, having Resi 6 as a launch title for Wii U could prove somewhat promising for Capcom. Though, it may also affect the sales of ZombiU, which I wouldn't want to happen, as it seems like that's one of the best launch titles in terms of showing off the GamePad's features.

Zombii U will be ok for a launch title...but i really can't remember the last time Ubisoft pulled off something good to see if they could implement something new as Resi 6 has kinda pulled toward an all out shooter (according to some reviews)

All i can remember about Zombii U is this;

Image for

Flynnie said:
Mush said:
Ah right! Yeah, your comment was a little misleading, haha. No worries though! Smilie
I agree, having Resi 6 as a launch title for Wii U could prove somewhat promising for Capcom. Though, it may also affect the sales of ZombiU, which I wouldn't want to happen, as it seems like that's one of the best launch titles in terms of showing off the GamePad's features.

Zombii U will be ok for a launch title...but i really can't remember the last time Ubisoft pulled off something good to see if they could implement something new as Resi 6 has kinda pulled toward an all out shooter (according to some reviews)

All i can remember about Zombii U is this;

Image for

ZombiU has gotten a lot of praise and positive previews, from what I have seen/heard of it, it looks like the perfect survival horror game. None of this over the top action, just pure suspense. Really like that they've taken inspiration from series like Metroid and Dark Souls. Oh and the last time Ubisoft pulled of something great was not too long ago. Rayman Origins.

There's also Rayman Legends which looks fantastic, just like the previous game. I'd say Ubisoft has some pretty great launch window games lined up for the Wii U. Usually they're all ports of Rayman 2 or Splinter Cell 3. Smilie

Also, the image you posted was just to do with Miiverse. The zombie game that was mentioned in that was just a fictional game that the character in that video was stuck on.

Have you seen much of the gameplay or read much about the game? If you really like classic survival horror, it seems like it's heading down that road.

( Edited 27.10.2012 17:40 by Mush )

I feel very foolish for forgetting about bad!!

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