Capcom are celebrating Halloween by taking over Universal Studios in Japan with a spooky and somewhat surreal attraction that puts you into the world of Resident Evil.
The survival horror series is renowned for the Racoon City setting, cars ablaze, zombies out for flesh and the odd undead dog or two. Visitors get all this, plus the change to take a picture with classic mutation, the Nemesis-T Type. The starving dogs are robotic, whilst the zombies and Lickers are portrayed by humans... or so they say.
Alongside picture taking and running away from the undead, visitors can also watch Jill fend off creature, drink mixed herb concoctions and step into the seedy world of the Umbrella Corporation. One of the attendees shot the experience on video for all to see... can you brave the Resident Evil Experience?
Should Capcom bring a similar experience to the West? What would you like to see from a Resident Evil themed attraction?