The Legends Return as James Bond 007 Shakes onto Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 1

The Legends Return as James Bond 007 Shakes onto Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Posh cars, pistol whips and gorgeous dames. It could only be the world of 007 as the British spy James Bond prepares a Wii U conquest.

007 Legends, a new first person shooter in the popular franchise, was announced earlier this year and aims to blend together five of Bond's most iconic moments into a healthy hybrid of stealth, guns and devious villains - including Moonraker, Licence to Kill and Die Another Day.

Daniel Craig once again play the man himself, however various actors will step into the time warp to resume their roles from these films, including Lois Chiles, Gabriele Ferzetti, Judi Dench and Rick Yune.

The Wii U release date has yet to be confirmed, though 007 Legends is due for release in October on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Footage of the game can be seen as part of Activision's Wii U showreel.


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jodie bond (guest) 28.09.2012#1

cant wait 4 this!!!!Smilie

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