Your Ticket to a New Nintendo Land Wii U Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012

Your Ticket to a New Nintendo Land Wii U Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have lifted the lid on the first virtual theme park to roll out on Wii U, including Metroid and Pikmin attractions.

As a launch and bundled (with the Premium/Deluxe edition) title, NintendoLand combines popular franchises of past and present into a nifty way of getting to grips with the new GamePad controller. Shown today was a trailer packed with new gameplay footage.

Image for Your Ticket to a New Nintendo Land Wii U Trailer

In Mario Chase players work together to attempt to grab a fifth player using the GamePad in a Mushroom Kingdom-inspired world. In Pikmin Adventure you work together against enemy characters, dressed as those adorable critters.

NintendoLand will also include mini-games inspired by Animal Crossing, Balloon Trip, Luigi's Mansion and F-Zero.

Image for Your Ticket to a New Nintendo Land Wii U Trailer

What do you think of the latest look at NintendoLand - will you be visiting these virtual attractions on the Wii U?

Box art for Nintendo Land








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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