Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Add-On Songs for Week 5 and North America's August Schedule

By Az Elias 01.08.2012 6

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Add-On Songs for Week 5 and North America

Square Enix has released the next batch of add-on songs for its hit rhythm title Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy. As usual, the range of tracks available in each territory slightly differs, but if you keep checking back, Cubed3 will keep you up to speed on what is available where.

Do not forget to check out the glowing review of Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy right here.

Europeans will be able to download the following four tracks from Friday:

  • FINAL FANTASY "Sunken Shrine"
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Movement in Green"
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Battle Theme"
Each song costs £0.90.

The full August schedule for North America has been revealed, with each song costing $0.99.

August 2, 2012

  • FINAL FANTASY X "Movement in Green"
  • FINAL FANTASY XIII "March of the Dreadnoughts"
  • FINAL FANTASY XI "Gustaberg"
  • FINAL FANTASY III "The Crystal Tower"
August 9, 2012
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Battle Theme"
  • FINAL FANTASY XII "The Dalmasca Estersand"
  • FINAL FANTASY IX "The Darkness of Eternity"
  • FINAL FANTASY III "This is the Last Battle"
August 16, 2012
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Challenge"
  • FINAL FANTASY XII "Desperate Fight"
  • FINAL FANTASY IX "Battle 2"
  • FINAL FANTASY V "The Final Battle"
August 23, 2012
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Otherworld"
  • FINAL FANTASY XII "The Royal City of Rabanastre / Town Ward Upper Stratum"
  • FINAL FANTASY IX "The Final Battle"
  • FINAL FANTASY V "Battle 1"
August 30, 2012
  • FINAL FANTASY X "Final Battle"
  • FINAL FANTASY XII "Boss Battle"
  • FINAL FANTASY IX "Dark City Treno"
  • FINAL FANTASY V "The Decisive Battle"
Are readers still playing Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy thanks to these new download packs?

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Cracking set for EU this week. Downloading Fight On and both FFX tracks.

Not sure why the NA songs haven't been announced yet, but will update as soon as I hear.

Any idea if we'll get the orchestral scores from Advent Children? I'm only 2 hours in so I've no idea if they are in there anyway.

Echoes221 said:
Any idea if we'll get the orchestral scores from Advent Children? I'm only 2 hours in so I've no idea if they are in there anyway.

No. Just original tracks from the core games mainly.

North American August tracks schedule is up.

( Edited 02.08.2012 18:13 by Azuardo )

Hi I'm a bit annoyed so I figured I'd post the info here-

I really like the Sunken Shrine music from FFI it's probably my fav track in the game, it plays in Chaos Shrine mode and against Chaos in Theathrythm.
This Sunken Shrine track is the track that plays in the past Chaos Shrine (the last dungeon) in FFI, I don't like it very much and I think I just wasted 90p because I was expecting the music for.. you know, the Sunken Shrine.
What I was expecting:

what I got:

Squeenix have been getting the tracks mixed up for the longest time and I have no idea why.

In other news yes the original Fight On! is my favourite rendition of any boss song in the series Smilie

( Edited 03.08.2012 15:08 by SuperLink )

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FINAL FANTASY "Sunken Shrine"
FINAL FANTASY X "Movement in Green"
FINAL FANTASY X "Battle Theme"

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