Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS Explored in Latest Famitsu

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2012 5

Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS Explored in Latest Famitsu on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Hunter fans are in for a treat with new details on the next installment for Nintendo 3DS.

The latest edition of Famitsu, reveals a handful of tidbits on Monster Hunter 4 and how the team worked simultaneously on Monster Hunter 3G and this newer entry.

The project has been underway for at least two years, and with the series' popularity on the rise - it's naturally been the largest project so far. Ideas that worked well in 3G were immediately considered for the newer game - including the target camera.

Image for Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS Explored in Latest Famitsu

The single player mode is set to be some of the biggest in the Monster Hunter line - revolving around the largest number of NPCs within the home camp dubbed "Barubare"; a horde of caravans that move between various areas in the overworld, instead of a fixed location.

Enemies and AI have also bee spruced up - changes in movement and attacks based on how high they are above ground, on slopes etc. These environment can also suffer wear and tear, creating a more lifelike and robust world to explore with "new elements" and "funning running around fields". There will be a stronger focus for overworld play, and the key water element of Monster Hunter 3 won't be in this next game.

Image for Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS Explored in Latest Famitsu

Finally, local play has been confirmed for up to four players; yet online has yet to be confirmed.

Spring 2013 is when hunters will be able to embark on a new quest - for Japan at the moment at least.

Image for Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS Explored in Latest Famitsu

Via WiiZ, Andriasang.

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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I'm intrigued, because Capcom makes no mention of the fact that MH3 and MH3G were both outsourced to Eighting, insisting they were internally developed. Eighting even has the games listed on its website, though - unless they were brought in to basically do all the 'grunt work' whilst Capcom's directors/producers take all the glory!

Anyway, MH4 looks like it will hammer home the final nail into the PSV's coffin in Japan...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Wii U port and I'll buy it.

I just think I'll miss the water parts...

Image for

Those armour sets look amazing. The designers for armour sets and weapons seem to always be doing a great job. The badass black/purple one on the right might just be from the new flagship monster.

Canyarion said:
I just think I'll miss the water parts...

Yeah I will too, the struggle of trying to make sure leviathans can't make it back to the water where they clearly have the advantage made fights more interesting.

SirLink said:

Those armour sets look amazing. The designers for armour sets and weapons seem to always be doing a great job. The badass black/purple one on the right might just be from the new flagship monster.

I'm guessing the 1st two sets are for the new monkey like monster that has been followed by, Plesioth, Lagi, and Janouga all in G rank form. Im not too sure about the last two though especially the white and red one. The black and purple seems like it'll be the new monster that was hidden in the shadows, but I just can't think of what monster the White and red is forged from. Maybe theyre bringing white fatalis back?

Yeah I'm really liking the way hunters and NPCs are presented in this. The NPCs have that "wild west" look to them

There are a couple of armor sets with that look in other Mh titles, but I didn't think to ever see that as a theme for a MH game.

Jason (guest) 09.07.2012#5

i cant wait!Smilie

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