E3 2012 | Nintendo Confirms 2 Wii U GamePads

By Adam Riley 05.06.2012 1

E3 2012 | Nintendo Confirms 2 Wii U GamePads on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that two Wii U GamePads can be used at once. Whilst there had been much speculation about whether or not a second controller could be used at the same time, Reggie Fils-Aime has just revealed at the E3 conference that two GamePad controllers will indeed be able to be used as part of the Wii U experience. For the show floor, though, the focus will be on solo experiences.

It was also revealed that the GamePad features a volume button to adjust the sound on the controller itself or even the TV, plus has a headphone port to make the GamePad-only experience truly immersive.

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You know what, someday they'll be a console that supports 4 controllers at once. It sounds crazy I know. Smilie

I guess this is good news, I hope they'll be lots of decent co-op games and this doesn't just end up being a gimmick. Will the Gamepads be available to buy individually, or would your friend need a Wii U too?

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