Leaked Rayman Legends Trailer Reveals Wii U Features

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2012 34

Leaked Rayman Legends Trailer Reveals Wii U Features on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A leaked trailer for an upcoming Rayman game reveals some nifty new features exclusive to the Wii U edition.

Rayman Legends​ is due across multiple formats, including Nintendo's upcoming home console - but Ubisoft is keeping schtum on the new game. However that hasn't stopped a leaked trailer from doing the internet rounds. It reveals the same stunning hand-animated art direction from its predecessor.

Image for Leaked Rayman Legends Trailer Reveals Wii U Features

It shows a multiplayer setting, where the lead player plays with the Wii U tablet controller, whilst others make do with Wii Remotes - offering different control methods and gameplay mechanisms when playing with a friend.

Image for Leaked Rayman Legends Trailer Reveals Wii U Features

One of the more interesting features was the ability to use near-field communication to react to near-by objects. For example, a heart is placed onto the WIi U tablet and voila - it triggers life hearts to shower onto players.

A rabbid figure adds a tonne of enemies to the screen and a passing glance at Ezio Auditore from Assassins' Creed suggests some form of cross-over as well.


Thanks to C3 readers�Canyarion and The Strat Man.

What do you think of the concepts and the potential for more innovative features on the Wii U tablet controller?

Box art for Rayman Legends





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Interesting to find out the Upad supports NFC! I'm not too excited about it, but I'm sure it will lead to very nice game ideas.
I knew Nintendo hadn't told us everything yet. Smilie I wonder if there's anything else in store for us.

About the game... why did they replace the gorgeous 2D sprites with these ugly 3D graphics? It looks like they grabbed the Rayman of Rayman 2 and copy-pasted him. I don't like his style.

About the game... why did they replace the gorgeous 2D sprites with these ugly 3D graphics?

The video shows 2D visuals in the same style as Rayman Origins.

Edit: Oh, I think see what you mean now. The added detail to the sprites, like shading (which makes them look more 3D)? They aren't 3D models though. I think it looks gorgeous, it's not that much different from Origins and it looks a millions times better than NSMB 2. So yeah, I don't get why anyone would complain about the visuals. If that's considered "ugly" then people must think NSMB is the most ugly game ever made.

The game looks amazing, but then that was expected, since I love Origins so much. I have to say, the NFC stuff doesn't interest me at all.

( Edited 27.04.2012 16:31 by Marzy )

Probably they are 3D as it saves animation work.

As for NFC, while I love the tech, in this case I suspect its going to be used to try to sale us cheap plastic things Smilie

Theres no reason a well defined heart shape couldn't be identified by image recognition off the camera.....but then anyone could make it right? (either a photo, scan, or even a 3d print).

By requiring radio reflection that puts it out of the hands of people making their own triggers.

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Wow I'm really impressed with that trailer! Graphically it looks gorgous. Ezio as a playable character anyone? xD

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I don't get it.

Ubisoft actually improve the visuals or change it slightly and people complain. Nintendo do the same old standard Mario visuals for three games and most people don't care and say "itz all aboutz teh gamplayz".

If this was a Mario game with the same visuals and creative environments, everyone would be having orgasms over it...

( Edited 27.04.2012 16:58 by Marzy )

I complained more with the latest Mario announcement than here. I understand that they decided to switch to 3D graphics (easier to make, camera options, etc.), but in my eyes it looks worse than Origins. It's lost those charmy details...

But they still have time to improve it. Smilie

It's not 3D graphics though...

WeatusIII (guest) 27.04.2012#8

Marzy people do complain about the Mario graphics looking stale/the same. But some people love the look. It's called having an opinion.

OH... MY... GOD!
This looks fucking gorgeous. I'm pretty glad this got leaked now. I really love the art style.. it looks even better than Origins. Those are some damn impressive visuals. Smilie

I still need to pick up Origins, but I'm thinking about picking up the 3DS version when it's released since I'd rather have it on a handheld. With that said though.. I'll be getting the Wii U version of Rayman Legends, no doubt. Smilie (If it is multiplat, which I'm assuming it will be)

The NFC stuff looks really impressive. From the looks of things in the video, it seems that you can use previously released figurines of Ubisoft characters to project them into the game. Which is pretty good for people who have an Ezio/Rabbid figurine lying about.

Overall, the NFC stuff is something I'm quite interested in.. not sure I'll actually get drawn in by it though. Smilie

Okay, maybe I just hate the fact that some peoples opinions make creative work sound bad. Nintendo have used the same engine, basically for three games, even the environments lack any creativity. I bet it took far less time to create NSMB 2 than this new Rayman title.

It's clear to me that Ubisoft put far more effort into the artwork and visuals in their latest Rayman games and I hate the fact that someone could say it's "ugly". It's not just Canyarion, I've seen it on other sites today, which is why I'm making such a big deal about it.

But yeah, I guess I'm being a twat about this (I'm not intending to be), so sorry about that. Everyone feel free to have your own opinions, I shall not debate this matter any further. Good day!

( Edited 27.04.2012 18:49 by Marzy )

I think I died a little inside. This looks like it could be one of the best Rayman games next to Rayman 3. The graphics look orgasmic and rich with detail, and the added inclusion of the AR type stuff would indeed add more differentiation to the games playstyle. And being able to help the other characters with the tablet controller is awesome. Bring it on Ubisoft, Bring it on

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Marzy said:
Okay, maybe I just hate the fact that some peoples opinions make creative work sound bad. Nintendo have used the same engine, basically for three games, even the environments lack any creativity. I bet it took far less time to create NSMB 2 than this new Rayman title.

It's clear to me that Ubisoft put far more effort into their latest Rayman games and I hate the fact that someone could say it's "ugly". It's not just Canyarion, I've seen it on other sites today, which is why I'm making such a big deal about it.

But yeah, I guess I'm being a twat about this, so everyone feel free to have your own opinions! I shall not debate this matter any further. Good day!

You're not alone dude. This new Mario is yawn inducing. As much as I enjoy 3D Land, it feels like something was missing. I'm not laying down the dough for NSMB2 unless it has insane levels of content. 6 Worlds again? I'll play SMB3 or Galaxy 2. They're milking Mario with as little effort as possible.

As for Rayman, cool looking game. The art style is really sweet Smilie

Also what I like about this game is the fact it has a med-evil kind of theme in some of the levels. Just take the cash now Ubisoft. Give me my Rayman fix.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Again: I'm not saying it's ugly. It just seems a step back from Origins. Origins used handdrawn sprites, Legends uses polygons. It also seems a bit pale in screenshots.

I hope they fix it. But even if they don't, it won't keep me from buying the game.

Canyarion said:
Again: I'm not saying it's ugly. It just seems a step back from Origins. Origins used handdrawn sprites, Legends uses polygons. It also seems a bit pale in screenshots.

I hope they fix it. But even if they don't, it won't keep me from buying the game.

It's still 2D, there's not a single polygon in those character models, just a bit of shading to make them look a bit more 3D. As Marzy constantly said in his posts above.

The game looks good, and this is just the concept trailer.

( Edited 27.04.2012 21:41 by Stulaw )

Are you sure??? I couldn't see the movie in HD, but it really looked like polygons this time...

Canyarion said:
Are you sure??? I couldn't see the movie in HD, but it really looked like polygons this time...

Very sure, those animations couldn't have been pulled off otherwise. It looks almost exactly the same as Origins besides a colour change.

Canyarion said:
Again: I'm not saying it's ugly. It just seems a step back from Origins. Origins used handdrawn sprites, Legends uses polygons. It also seems a bit pale in screenshots.

I hope they fix it. But even if they don't, it won't keep me from buying the game.

This still uses hand drawn characters, it's just that they have added extra lighting/shading to give them a more.. real(?) effect.

I was meant to post this straight after Canyarion posted his... but for whatever reason it didn't post and I forgot about it. Smilie

Mush123 said:
OH... MY... GOD!
This looks fucking gorgeous. I'm pretty glad this got leaked now. I really love the art style.. it looks even better than Origins. Those are some damn impressive visuals. Smilie

I still need to pick up Origins, but I'm thinking about picking up the 3DS version when it's released since I'd rather have it on a handheld. With that said though.. I'll be getting the Wii U version of Rayman Legends, no doubt. Smilie (If it is multiplat, which I'm assuming it will be)

The NFC stuff looks really impressive. From the looks of things in the video, it seems that you can use previously released figurines of Ubisoft characters to project them into the game. Which is pretty good for people who have an Ezio/Rabbid figurine lying about.

Overall, the NFC stuff is something I'm quite interested in.. not sure I'll actually get drawn in by it though. Smilie

Still haven't got Origins? You are a crazy fool,Liam. Defo get the 3DS version. I am tempted to get this for Wii U instead of the PS3 version

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Not a crazy fool, I'm simply waiting for the 3DS version. Smilie It's out in June anyways, not too long to wait.

EDIT: It was meant to be out in March, but Ubisoft pushed it back (again). This hopefully means that they're putting a lot of effort in to make it as good as/better than the console versions.

( Edited 27.04.2012 22:57 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
Not a crazy fool, I'm simply waiting for the 3DS version. Smilie It's out in June anyways, not too long to wait.

EDIT: It was meant to be out in March, but Ubisoft pushed it back (again). This hopefully means that they're putting a lot of effort in to make it as good as/better than the console versions.

They could utilise the touch screen mechanic and use it like they are doing for the Vita. But yeah, I hope the take the time to work on making it worthy of the Rayman handheld series. I hope this new game gets a 3DS release at some point.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Perfect. this game, looks perfect.

Ubisoft are on another level when it comes to 2d art style.

I couldnt agree more with Marzy. You have to question nintendos integrity and wonder what does NSMB mean to Nintendo. Is it a solid cash cow. Or is it a genuine throwback to their roots?

meeto_0 said:
Ubisoft are on another level when it comes to 2d art style.

I couldnt agree more with Marzy. You have to question nintendos integrity and wonder what does NSMB mean to Nintendo. Is it a solid cash cow. Or is it a genuine throwback to their roots?

They've been dabbling in 'throwbacks' since NSMBW. A level design here(return of Boo Houses; Thowmps Fortress in Galaxy 2), a power up there(Tanooki Tail in 3D Land). It seems they're spreading the nostalgia out though multiple titles to make a buck on "the good ol' days". Not to say that's the evilest thing since on disc DLC, they are trying to make money and that's all Mario does. I can't help but feel as though Nintendo are playing it safe/cheap.

A random nostalgia bonus in a game is a good thing.
Building the whole game around it is not.

I really REALLY hope it doesn't start spreading to Nintendos Metroid/Zelda titles.

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