Nintendo 3DS Adopted by 5 Million in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.02.2012

Nintendo 3DS Adopted by 5 Million in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite a slow start, Nintendo's latest portable has set a new record in Japan: Fastest selling console to reach 5 million.

Smilies all around at Nintendo Headquarters today as the home branch confirmed yet another hardware record to add to the company's ever-expanding trophy cabinet. The race to 5 million may have come as a surprise to come given an initially uncertain period, but the climb sees the 3DS snatching the crown from the original Nintendo DS, Wii and Game Boy advance by just several weeks.

Nintendo has documented all this in a nifty chart for your viewing pleasure.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Adopted by 5 Million in Japan

The figures, which come via Media Create, are sell-through values - meaning 5 million units sold at retail, rather then from Nintendo at wholesale.
Thanks, Andriasang.

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