Gogo Crazy with Bones on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 06.02.2012

Gogo Crazy with Bones on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

GameMill Entertainment is set to bring the popular Gogo’s Crazy Bones toy characters and games to digital life with a Gogo’s Crazy Bones game for the Nintendo DS. Gogo’s Crazy Bones will make its debut in US retail stores this March.

Gogo’s Crazy Bones features small, colourful figurines with endless gaming, collecting, and learning possibilities. Players will find Gogo’s Crazy Bones jam-packed with more than 70 puzzles and 30 favourite Gogos to collect, each one with a unique name, design, personality and special ability. Unlock five Gogos in every level as you take on popular Gogo games like Knock Out, Battle, and Basket Attacks. Earn stars and unlock rewards as you explore interactive environments from the bus stop to the playground. Gogo’s Crazy Bones is set to provide hours of fun and entertainment as you collect, trade and play with friends.

Are you pleased to see some publishers still bringing content out on Nintendo DS?

Box art for GoGo's Crazy Bones

Black Lantern







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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