Resident Evil to Include Circle Pad Pro

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2011 8

Resident Evil to Include Circle Pad Pro on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The 3DS is set to get an extra circle pad in January via a limited edition bundle for Resident Evil: Revelations.

Nintendo today popped over details of a special edition bundle for Europe, which includes a copy of Capcom's eagerly-awaited chapter in the Resident Evil series, together with the new Circle Pad Pro accessory for added control.

Revelations aims to bring a slice of classic survival-horror by bridging the gaps between the forth and fifth games, starring series veterans Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield.

The Resident Evil: Revelations pack and the standalone Circle Pad Pro will be available across Europe from January 27th 2012.

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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I'm not going to even bother with the circle pad attachment. Unless Nintendo releases a revised 3DS edition with another pad thrown in (which I doubt they will because developers wouldn't be able to rely on people having 2 thumbsticks), then I will be either playing the game with 1 pad or not at all.

( Edited 17.12.2012 00:15 by Guest )

PMD said:
I'm not going to even bother with the circle pad attachment. Unless Nintendo releases a revised 3DS edition with another pad thrown in (which I doubt they will because developers wouldn't be able to rely on people having 2 thumbsticks), then I will be either playing the game with 1 pad or not at all.

This and not to forget the circle pad pro requires it's own batteries to function, more headache for the 3DS and its limited battery charge, whats the point Nintendo. Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Monster Hunter 3DS, big games from big developers, Nintendo should realise that an add-on won't solve the problem as creates a bigger problem for the game developers.

The problem will obviously be solved eventually, this is just to allow the more hardcore among us to play these games in the most comfortable, accurate fashion without being forced to buy a redesign down the line if we choose not to.

The fact that it requires a separate battery means it won't affect the 3DS's limited charge (read: not all that bad and in line with all other lithium based batteries) and can only improve the experience of awesome games like this.

I don't get the negativity surrounding this thing...

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I think i will get the extra cirle pad with the game, providing it dosn't raise the price more than say £10,but i really dislike my 3ds right now, the colour, the design, appart of me wants to get a different one just for different colour but i'll wait for the revision i guess, with 2 circle pads. in white.

welshwuff said:
I think i will get the extra cirle pad with the game, providing it dosn't raise the price more than say £10,but i really dislike my 3ds right now, the colour, the design, appart of me wants to get a different one just for different colour but i'll wait for the revision i guess, with 2 circle pads. in white.

I really like the white one too. The current design is strange though. Hard to think how they came up with this as a marketable design after perfecting the DS design, apart from the cynical view that they intend to release a second version that looks like it was made by Apple.

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Irfy said:This and not to forget the circle pad pro requires it's own batteries to function, more headache for the 3DS and its limited battery charge
Wait, you complain about separate batteries AND you say it's bad for the 3DS battery life? Get your story straight, it has its own batteries so it won't need that of the 3DS.

But anyway, if I ever will get a 3DS, it will be the revised one with 2x battery life, 2nd circle pad, etc. etc.

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Canyarion said:
Wait, you complain about separate batteries AND you say it's bad for the 3DS battery life? Get your story straight, it has its own batteries so it won't need that of the 3DS.

I think what he meant is that now you will have to worry about both the charge of the battery of the 3DS itself AND also the batteries used in the circle pad pro. This doubles the trouble. Now you'll be worrying that one of the batteries, or both, might run out of juice in the middle of your play session.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
erc (guest) 01.12.2011#8

I'm not sure why they even bothered creating the circle pad---the touch screen is extremely versitile---they already showed MH3G running without the need of the circle pad because they had programmed a dpad onto the touch screen. They should have just let devs evolve with the hardware---rather than adjusting the hardware to fit the "preconceived" needs. I will not be getting the circle pad...I evolved to play MH on PSP--I can handle MH on 3DS.

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