New Nano Assault Nintendo 3DS Screens

By Adam Riley 08.11.2011 6

New Nano Assault Nintendo 3DS Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The launch of Shin'en and Majesco's upcoming shump title Nano Assault is on the horizon, and to celebrate they have released some fresh, never-before-seen screens for readers to enjoy whilst waiting. Deadly viruses never looked so sexy. Be sure to check them out in the media folder.

Stop the deadly Nanostray virus from spreading and contaminating civilisation in Nano Assault, a fast-paced action shooter set within a visually stunning cellular system that leaps off the screen in full 3D. Control your microscopic Nanite ship inside the dangerous virus to fight off infections, navigate through alien cell clusters, battle bosses, and ultimately analyse and destroy the virus’ core to save humanity.


  • Find, analyse, and destroy the Nanostray virus DNA with your Nanite vessel;
  • Harness the power of multiple weapons;
    Powerful Beams that lock onto enemies for instant impact;
  • Energetic Bombs explode upon impact and launch devastating projectiles;
  • Spins rotate around enemies in energy-draining orbs
  • Blast your way through 32 twisted cell stages and dark worlds with rugged landscapes that self-adjust in difficulty based on how you play;
  • Battle and defeat 10 extreme bosses including the Black Nucleus, Hyper Blobs, and Spore Plants to collect secondary weapons including lightning chains, electric flashes that destroy everything in close proximity, and the quick and powerful laser;
  • Test your skills in “Boss Rush” mode and battle bosses back-to-back!
  • Stunning gameplay aesthetic is set in a distinctive electron microscope inspired world;
  • Ignite purifying blasts to clear infections by collecting power-ups that defeated enemies leave behind;
  • Respawn and clone yourself along the journey to ensure successful missions. AutoSaving is available after each stage or section;
  • Extra features include Missions Mode, an unlockable arcade style cell stage where you must destroy enemies against a time counter trying to get the highest score, and Hall of Fame where you can publish your level scores and compare them with friends online;
  • Detailed enemy Nanopedia lets you unlock information containing strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to defeat them;
  • Earn Nintendo Coins in-game by successfully completing missions and spend them in the Nano Shop. Players will be able to unlock 30+ items with the coins for the “Jukebox”, “Nanopedia”, and “Boss Rush” modes.
Whilst no date has been confirmed for Europe, the game will launch in the US in a couple of weeks.

Box art for Nano Assault
Also known as

Nanostray 3


Shin'en Multimedia







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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Jesus. Christ.

It seems to have improved upon everything that still kinda irked me about the previous 2 installments, want so bad.

Considering Shin'en is German we had BETTER get it over here in Europe. I'm in the Netherlands, right next door, dagnabbit! There's no EXCUUUSE Smilie !

( Edited 09.11.2011 06:04 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Our member of the week

All previous Shin'en games released all over Europe, so I wouldn't worry about that Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Shin'en sure knows their tech. Any of you guys play Jett Rocket? Game looks amazing and even looks better than a LOT of retail Wii games.

Kafei2006 said:
All previous Shin'en games released all over Europe, so I wouldn't worry about that Smilie.

Yeah, I know, but I'm just ticked about the US getting it probably waaay before us. I need this game too badly >.<

EDIT: @EdEN - Yeah, I have yet to finish it but I've played quite a bit of it. That shit looks nice >=)

( Edited 09.11.2011 17:28 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I can't talk about any potential European release Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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EdEN said:
Shin'en sure knows their tech. Any of you guys play Jett Rocket? Game looks amazing and even looks better than a LOT of retail Wii games.
I played a bit of Jett Rocket, it was pretty good. I think I've heard something about them making a sequel to it or something on 3DS. Smilie

This game looks absolutely stunning though, definitely gonna have to check it out if/when it gets released over here.

( Edited 10.11.2011 11:16 by Mush123 )

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