3D Snake Eats Japan this Winter

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.08.2011 5

3D Snake Eats Japan this Winter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami recently confirmed a winter release for the 3DS version of the PS2 classic, Metal Gear Solid III.

The company's portable adaptation, dubbed Snake Eater 3D has already impressed critics and fans alike, but recently found itself slipping away from a 2011 release - despite Nintendo advertising on tele otherwise. The publisher now lists Snake Eater 3D as a "winter" title, but whether it means pre-New Year is ambiguous.

Still though, fans are still on track to relive the experience in 3D in a matter of months - unless poor old Snake gets sidetracked into a more High Definition realm...

Box art for Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D

Kojima Productions







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If you notice the new UK adverts of the Nintendo 3DS, when they show the MGS 3 segment, at the bottom it says releasing this fall... mistake or what? it's a Nintendo advert...

Irfy said:
If you notice the new UK adverts of the Nintendo 3DS, when they show the MGS 3 segment, at the bottom it says releasing this fall... mistake or what? it's a Nintendo advert...

Ya that's what I mentioned in the article - I think I remember it saying "Winter" or "Fall 2011", something like that. Since then I think Nintendo pulled MGS3 from the sequence, not so sure though.

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jb said:
Irfy said:
If you notice the new UK adverts of the Nintendo 3DS, when they show the MGS 3 segment, at the bottom it says releasing this fall... mistake or what? it's a Nintendo advert...

Ya that's what I mentioned in the article - I think I remember it saying "Winter" or "Fall 2011", something like that. Since then I think Nintendo pulled MGS3 from the sequence, not so sure though.

Lucky Brits if true...so when the heck to us Yanks get it across the pond?!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Played this at IGN's podcast 100 party. Have to say it was very, very good. Certainly looking forward to its release.

Tman!! said:
Played this at IGN's podcast 100 party. Have to say it was very, very good. Certainly looking forward to its release.

How is the control like compared to Snake Eater for ps2 and Subsistence?

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