3DS Down to $169, Free Games for Current Users

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2011 15

3DS Down to $169, Free Games for Current Users on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have confirmed a new retail price point for the 3DS, with free downloads for early adopters.

The console, which initially retailed at $250 will receive a sharp price reduction to a far more affordable $169 USD ($103/€118) from August 12th.

Those who lapped up the new system early won't be neglected, with Nintendo hoping to make up for the swift reduction with two sets of virtual console games available for free - 20 free downloads for current owners.

To join the program simply access the eShop before August 11 - this will enable your "Ambassador" account, where users can download the following games for free - before they become available as paid-for downloads:

1. Starting Sept. 1, Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors will be able to download 10 NES Virtual Console games at no charge and before they are available in the Nintendo eShop to the general public. These games, including Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber and The Legend of Zelda, are slated to become paid downloadable games, but Ambassadors get them early for free. Once the paid versions of the games are posted to the Nintendo eShop later in the year, the updated versions will be available to Ambassadors for download at no cost.

2. By the end of 2011, Nintendo will provide Ambassadors with 10 Game Boy Advance Virtual Console games. These include games like Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Metroid Fusion, WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ and Mario vs. Donkey Kong. These games will be available exclusively to Ambassadors, and Nintendo currently has no plans to make these 10 games available to the general public on the Nintendo 3DS in the future.

Similar reductions and plans are expected in other regions.

What do you think of the 3DS price reduction? Would you consider the new portable if you haven't already? Already own a 3DS? Which titles would you download?

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Since I haven't purchased one yet, this is awesome news!

I'd certainly be a bit agitated had I bought one at launch, but price cuts are certainly a normal occurrence. However I don't know if I've ever seen an item move down an increment larger than $50. Much less almost $150.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

I wonder if they plan to follow through with this in England.

Currently £190~ here.

( Edited 29.07.2011 01:15 by Ultima )

If they don't do something similar for other territories I'll be hugely disappointed, even though this is most-likely just to make up to the US for them getting shafted all this time.

Still... Grrr >.<

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Faust D. Strooijer said:
If they don't do something similar for other territories I'll be hugely disappointed, even though this is most-likely just to make up to the US for them getting shafted all this time.

Still... Grrr >.<

I'm 100% sure they will drop the price in other territories, it would be outrageous if they didn't.

Thank god I didn't cave in and buy one! I'm ecstatic! Smilie

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
Faust D. Strooijer said:
If they don't do something similar for other territories I'll be hugely disappointed, even though this is most-likely just to make up to the US for them getting shafted all this time.

Still... Grrr >.<

I'm 100% sure they will drop the price in other territories, it would be outrageous if they didn't.

Thank god I didn't cave in and buy one! I'm ecstatic! Smilie

I'm glad I did buy one, tbh. 10 GBA games sounds really fucking nice to me as I wasn't able to get nearly everything I wanted to play on my GBA.

So yeah, here's hoping <3

Also, does anyone know what's the deal with the 3DS eShop currency? Are there currency-cards available or anything by now?

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Faust D. Strooijer said:
If they don't do something similar for other territories I'll be hugely disappointed, even though this is most-likely just to make up to the US for them getting shafted all this time.

Still... Grrr >.<

I've read on a few other websites that this is confirmed for Europe too.

( Edited 29.07.2011 07:08 by jesusraz )

This is a company that hates making console reductions (they do them but only with gritted teeth)

Its only a few months in so that tells you that the 3DS is not selling very well. I think handhelds are not considered as important as home consoles so people will not part to much.

And with 3d being the selling point I think its the weakest part of the console. Like the first wii remote the tech just isnt there yet. Unlike motion its quite gimmicky as well.

Not really free though, if we see similar reductions; if you paid full price its more like £4 a game. At least we are getting something though.

Those GBA games are pretty steep though, won't mind getting them for free but reduce the price.

As a happy earlier adopter, free games just makes me happier :p
(still got Four Swords to come too).

And with 3d being the selling point I think its the weakest part of the console. Like the first wii remote the tech just isnt there yet.

But it works just fine. Also, its about as gimicky as Stero Sound is. IE NOT AT ALL.

3D adds very well, allthough it is a shame that some people cant expirence it.
(but then, that goes for people with monohearing, colourblindness, etc. Theres always groups that wont get the full benifit of technology).

Problem is not the 3D, but rather is more shitty store displays just showing off PilotWings.

People think the system is *JUST* about the 3D, and thus the price not worth it.
Nintendo isnt saleing the horsepower of the system at all....which is like a Wii with better shaders.

( Edited 29.07.2011 10:49 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:
As a happy earlier adopter, free games just makes me happier :p
(still got Four Swords to come too).

And with 3d being the selling point I think its the weakest part of the console. Like the first wii remote the tech just isnt there yet.

But it works just fine. Also, its about as gimicky as Stero Sound is. IE NOT AT ALL.

3D adds very well, allthough it is a shame that some people cant expirence it.
(but then, that goes for people with monohearing, colourblindness, etc. Theres always groups that wont get the full benifit of technology).

Problem is not the 3D, but rather is more shitty store displays just showing off PilotWings.

People think the system is *JUST* about the 3D, and thus the price not worth it.
Nintendo isnt saleing the horsepower of the system at all....which is like a Wii with better shaders.

It works just fine providing you fix your head straight on to the screen which is dumb when at the same time they are pushing gyro motion controls. (I watched one guy playing zelda on the bus with 3D on full blast and the gyro option on. He looked like a complete wanker pivoting around from his waist)

It works just fine providing others arent trying to watch you play and join in with their input.

The 3DS doesnt distinguish itself graphically from the PSP enough.

This is rather huge news and a defining point in Nintendo's history. If this price point still doesn't sell then the 3DS may be the last portable of its kind (i.e. dedicated) or close to it.

I know I will buy one at the lower price, but I wonder how many people have already replaced their portable with an Apple device, along with its App Store mentality.

Since I already own a 3ds thte titles that I will be downloading are Super Mario Bros, Donkey kong jr,The Legend of zelda, Yoshi's island Super Mario Advance 3, Mario Kart Super Circuit, WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgames and Mario vs Donkey Kong.

I was planning on waiting until either the flame red 3DS came out or some of the games I want came out (Super Mario, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Resident Evil), but now I'm actually inclined to hurry up and buy a 3DS before the price drops so I can get the free games.

PMD said:
This is rather huge news and a defining point in Nintendo's history. If this price point still doesn't sell then the 3DS may be the last portable of its kind (i.e. dedicated) or close to it.

I don't think the problem was ever the price. It was the games (or lack of). I'm honestly pretty surprised that they decided to lower the price (and so dramatically so) before the holidays. They have a bunch of hit games coming out starting in the fall which would have sold the system in their own right.

There simply hasn't been a whole lot to play right now and that is the key problem - not price.

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