Street Fighter Takes on Hello Kitty

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.07.2011 4

Street Fighter Takes on Hello Kitty on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

These days anything is possible in terms of crossover - this time it's Capcom's Street Fighter who'll be taking on those cutesy kitties.

The iconic fighting franchise has been known to do battle with others in a long-running series of Versus or X games - the latest finding Capcom's roster brawling it out with Namco's Tekken lot.

We hate to disappoint, but this time it won't be a fighting game. Instead the huge range of Hello Kitty merchandise will receive a Street Fighter flavour, like the amusing Chun-Li Kitty below.

Hello Kitty and Street Fighter have a dedicated core following around the world and our collaboration brings the legacy of both brands together in a fun and unexpected way.

More details on the partnership will be revealed in the coming months.

Image for Street Fighter Takes on Hello Kitty

Via Quick Jump.

What do you think of the new merchandising partnership between Hello Kitty and Street Fighter? We can't quite imagine how Blanka Kitty would look...

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This is both funny and sad.

PMD said:
This is both funny and sad.

I'm scared....(o)_(o)

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

thats pretty cool, its good to see real gaming gear for the more female of gamers. (not "girl gamers" who just play farmville or some crap but rel gamers who happen to be women).

Can't wait!!!! Smilie

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