Nexon To Begin Nintendo 3DS Development

By Mike Mason 19.07.2011 1

Nexon To Begin Nintendo 3DS Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

South Korean developer Nexon, publishers of many online games and MMORPGs such as MapleStory, have posted a job listing that indicates they are ready to make a move into development on Nintendo 3DS.

The advert is looking for employees in the Nexon Mobile division to work on next generation portable consoles, Nintendo 3DS included. Nexon have previously brought a version of popular 2D MMORPG MapleStory to Nintendo DS, but it was not released outside of South Korea - could they be working on a new version for Nintendo 3DS?

Thanks to TinyCartridge.

Would you like to see MapleStory on Nintendo 3DS, or are there other games under Nexon's banner that you would prefer?

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I got to try Maple Story on DS, with a patch that translates the menus and some minor story elements in English. I thought it was a brilliant game. It's a real shame it didn't get released outside South Korea :/.

I truly hope a new Maple Story for 3DS, hopefully an online one this time, will come out of this. And that it'll get a release here this time. But then again we don't even know yet what they're up to on 3DS.

( Edited 19.07.2011 11:44 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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