E311 | Nintendo 3DS Struggling in UK

By Adam Riley 12.06.2011 9

E311 | Nintendo 3DS Struggling in UK on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New software figures released for the UK from Japanese publication Famitsu show the dire state of the Nintendo 3DS at the moment. After the first two weeks of its European launch all software seemingly disappeared from sight completely, with only LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean entering the UK Top 40 chart upon release a few weeks back, and Pilotwings Resort re-entering last week due to massive price cuts.

Although hardware figures are unavailable, checking out the total software share ratio for the month of April makes for sad reading:

Total Unit Sales by Platform - April 2011 [ Percentage Share | Sale Units ]
1.) Xbox 360 - 30.6% | 923,000
2.) PlayStation 3 - 22.6% | 682,000
3.) Wii - 16.5% | 498,000
4.) Nintendo DS - 15.2% | 458,000
5.) PC - 10.5% | 317,000
6.) PlayStation Portable - 2.3% | 69,000
7.) Nintendo 3DS - 2.3% | 69,000
8.) PlayStation 2 - 0.1% | 3,000

For comparison's sake, after just one week (since the 3DS launched on 25th March), the 3DS software share was 3.9%, totalling 160,000 pieces of software sold, only beating out the PSP and PS2.

For reference, below is the list of best-selling games for April 2011:

Top 10 UK Software Sales - April 2011 [ This Month | Lifetime Sales ]
1.) Zumba Fitness (Wii) - 92,000 | 144,000
2.) Portal 2 (360) - 62,000 | NEW
3.) Mortal Kombat (PS3) - 48,000 | NEW
4.) Mortal Kombat (360) - 44,000 | NEW
5.) Portal 2 (PS3) - 39,000 | NEW
6.) Crysis 2 (360) - 36,000 | 118,000
7.) Pokémon Black Version (NDS) - 36,000 | 168,000
8.) Pokémon White Version (NDS) - 36,000 | 188,000
9.) Wii Fit Plus (Wii) - 34,000 | Unknown
10.) Just Dance 2 - 30,000 | 1,106,000

The good news for Nintendo, though, is that in the breakdown of publisher sales share, whilst EA was top with 21.4% (645,000 sales), Nintendo was second for April, with a 10.5% (equating to 317,000 sales).

Do you think the Nintendo 3DS will pick up considerably with both The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D on the horizon?

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I've seen so many people who were waiting for Ocarina of Time 3D to arrive, so yeah. I definitely think that sales are going to pick up considerably.

*checks Amazon.de and Amazon.uk* Ocarina of Time 3D is leading the 3DS sales charts on both sites (on Amazon.uk it's even on the 2nd place in the bestsellers o.O), followed by both Nintendo 3DS models. I'd say things aren't looking bad. Smilie

( Edited 12.06.2011 20:16 by SirLink )

Jesus, that looks bad. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with (as mentioned a few times on this site) the name of the system. People might be thinking the "Nintendo 3DS" is just another DS revision. You'd be forgiven for thinking so, seeing as we've had DS, DS lite, DSi, DSi XL. I don't watch TV much, but is there much advertising going on? I've seen OOT commercials a few times, but is the console itself getting a push? Or it could just be that there is bugger all software at the moment. It will probably pick up once OOT comes out, and again later in the year with Super Mario, Mario Kart and SF64. But to say the bloody PSP is on equal footing with the 3DS looks bad.

I know - PSP has been dead in the water here for YEARS, so to see a new system from Nintendo struggling to overtake it is quite shocking.

nintendogs got lots of advertising on TV, but it just looks like the original DS versions from the ads. Steel Diver got a good bit of air time as well, but clearly that made bugger all difference as it sank without a trace after its third week on sale. Dead or Alive is another one that has tanked despite a hot advert!

The 'another DS revision' thing might hold water if it wasn't for the fact the DSi and DSi XL both sold like crazy here. People are more likely wary because of The Sun's early campaign to ruin the 3DS' reputation just after launch. One of the most widely read newspapers in the country took it upon itself to make up lies about the portable and slam it constantly for a while. THAT will have undone ANY of Nintendo's preliminary hype work.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I think it's simply to do with the price of the system and the lack of games.

I'm a Nintendo fan and even I had second thoughts about getting one on launch. The price point really put me off, as did the lack of games. That's the first time that's ever happened to me with a new Nintendo console.

I know someone who has tried it through Nintendo promotion and showing them myself and they still haven't got one because there's no games he wants for it yet.

You need software, it's as simple as that. No ones going to buy system if they don't have any games to play on it.

( Edited 12.06.2011 21:02 by Marzy )

The Sun thing, is that anything to do with 3D messing up kids' eyes or something? Sure I've read similar BS in newspapers when it came out.

To be honest, I've been disappointed with the sort of software we've seen on 3DS, and in the graphics. I know graphics aren't everything, but some games really aren't taking advantage, apart from the odd one here and there (DOA, SF4). Nintendo shoving Nintendogs down our throat, which does indeed look not much of a step up, and not making cats playable from the start, is a bit of a pisstake (the game doesn't interest me, but all the same).

It could just be a poor software selection currently that's having an effect coupled with overpriced hardware. Hopefully Nintendo have learnt lessons from this and provide us with a few biggies for the launch of the U, and work with 3rd parties to deliver top titles every single month onward. I still don't think the 3DS is worth the asking price, even with Zelda.

( Edited 12.06.2011 20:58 by Azuardo )

Needs more games is all. and their coming.

Between now and the holidays we'll be getting Zelda, Star Fox, Mario, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Resident Evil, and more.

Need I say more?

Jon (guest) 13.06.2011#8

It's not just the price of the system (im glad I only paid 175). 40 quid for a handheld game is a joke, and the eshop is also overpriced compared to iPhone and Android.

alzo (guest) 13.06.2011#9

The best thing about it not selling is the fact that the people who do want it don't get ripped off I paid 157 for the black one which was 23 pound cheaper than the blue one got sf4 n lego star wars for 14.99 each brand new ,result it would have cost me nearly 300 a couple of months ago ha ha ha

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