One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP 3D Screenshots Released

By 19.05.2011 3

One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP 3D Screenshots Released on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the eShop still not available on the 3DS, it's been hard for developers to really show off the 3D effect in their games. Usual media releases for 3DS games result in 2D images, which doesn't really showcase the main selling point of the system. The Ganbarion have countered this problem by releasing a batch of 3D screens from their title, One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP.

The downloadable batch contains five screenshots from the game and they can all be viewed in 3D on Nintendo 3DS systems.

You can download the zip file here, which then needs to be unzipped. The containing folder (100NBGI0) should then be moved over to your SD card, in the DCIM folder. Once you've done that, insert your SD card back into your 3DS system and enjoy the images in spectacular 3D!

Image for One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP 3D Screenshots Released

One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP is an enhanced port of the Wii episodic games. Both episodes will come on a single cart.

Box art for One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Smilie Smilie Smilie Awesome! Really hope this gets localised, I don't have Ep2 as it's really hard to find and expensive now. Smilie Plus the extra Marineford stuff looks amazing! ^__^ Fortunately with Unlimited Cruise Wii and Gigant Battle on DS both being localised here, chances of this being brought to Europe look good. Just have to hope it's a decent port, and that the mulitplayer is intact!

Really hope that more developers will offer 3D screenshots like this and maybe even 3D trailers once the eShop is out. Smilie

Our member of the week

what would be best would be if such screenshots could be seen directly via the eshop without having to take out the card, put it into your PC where you downloaded the images first, etc etc... Like see them in live from the eshop in a "coming soon" section of sorts...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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