Rumour: Wii2 to have 8GB Internal Storage?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2011 38

Rumour: Wii2 to have 8GB Internal Storage? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest rumours to do the internet rounds suggest that the forthcoming Nintendo home console will come with 8GB storage.

According to sources speaking to Kotaku, whilst the successor (codenamed Project Café) is said to boast high-definition graphics akin to the PS3/Xbox 360, it would have significantly lower internal storage.

With Nintendo leaping into the rich media sphere, fans had expected the new console to contain a traditional hard-drive of some sorts, but if sources are to be believed, Nintendo will opt for flash-based storage instead.

Reports suggest that the console would come with 8GB flash memory by default, with the option to expand space with SD/SDHC cards.

8GB would allow for a fair bit of media storage, patches, demos, classic/downloadable software, game saves - almost 16 times the default space available on Wii.

Flash-based memory, in theory, offers a more reliable and potentially faster access rate compared to traditional storage, but are currently far more expensive. Regular hard-drives are becoming cheaper per GB, with flavours of well in excess of 2TB (2048GB) readily available.

However if the new Nintendo console supports the more recently SDXC memory cards, it would eventually be able to add up to 2TB flash-based storage.

Sony's PS3 supports standard 2.5" (laptop-sized) hard-drives, with models up to 320GB available. Microsoft's Xbox 360 nips up to 250GB, with a core model supporting 4GB onboard.

Nintendo are expected to confirm plans during E3 2011 at the beginning of next month.

What do you think of the latest reports on the new Nintendo console - would 8GB (with the option to expand through SD cards) be enough for you?

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I'm sorry but people need to stop making excuses. If I can buy a 500gb HDD for �£40 then Nintendo can easily make 250gb a standard for everyone. If they are trying to recapture the hardcore then these are the steps you need to be taking.

If you think HDDs are too slow you must have the patience of a nervous cocaine addict in a toilet queue.

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I can get a 1TB for �£40-�£45, so no, there's no reason why Nintendo can't get a large, quiet, and reasonably fast HDD for dirt cheap, mine runs at 7200RPM which is faster than the PS3's from what I know as well.

I still think this is an unfounded rumour however.

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Nintendo, if you do this and it doesn't come with a nice SD card, I will greatly hesitate buying your console. If there is no way to buy an optional hard drive, I will not consider buying your console at all.

I recognize this is a rumor. I hope it is nothing more, but like others have said, this kind of thing seems to fit Nintendo's style.

( Edited 04.05.2011 22:59 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Sounds fine with me. Keeps costs down, and I've no issue with SD expansion, been using them with my laptop for years.

SSD would be nice. Doesn't even have to be that big, though the cost would go up.


First of all, this is not confirmed. But secondly, there is also word that Nintendo is creating propriety discs that will have high capacity--similar to blue if they are looking to avoid large loading times--this may be their answer.

Also, most casual owners will have no need for more than 8GB--And if you want to upgrade...then upgrade to the 2TB...that should be more than enough to cover your wants and needs---and there has been talk about this console being able to stream information which would further decrease the need for a harddrive---if you could stream demos would you want to download them?

As soon as I could use a SD card there was no need for any more space on the Wii for me.

meeto_0 said:
To Darkflame. Switch on a wii and a PS3 and decide what makes the most noise. The wii when its reading discs sounds so cheap. THe PS3 is almost quiet in my opinion.

That depends on what model Wii and PS3 your comparing, but, its a simple fact that solid state is quiter.

If your Wii is more noisy then the PS3 then its down to the other hardware in it...because a HDD will always be more noisy. always.

Others have said that reading from cheap SD cards which is what most will opt for, will be slow and torturous (people dont consider the different quality of memory cards or consider speed writes.)

I said class 10, which are both fast and cheap enough now.
If people buy slower ones thats their problem. I dont see why I should have a console with more moving parts,more heat,more power consumption....just because some people cant buy good SD cards!

I dont think devs want to spend time optimising file size for demos. They want to quickly put a demo out and move on.

True...ish. The state its got on PC is crazy though. They practicaly put the whole game on then delete bits.

HDD arent the be all and end all. Infact, as soon as SSD become as cheap as HDD it will be a game changer for gaming. Sandbox games are going to be amazing.

SDDs will never be as cheap per Gig, but that doesnt mean they arnt already a suppiour choice.

Besides, as I have mentioned before, games should be getting smaller not bigger.
Have procedral based textures rendered to ram or even straight to the gpu as they are needed (render to higher res when the player is vloser too).

Honestly, software is miles behind whats possible on hardware these days.
Ever seen this;

And thats from aggggeees ago.
Filesize is hugely overated - you might as well talk about what "bit" something is. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Phoenixus said:
If you think HDDs are too slow you must have the patience of a nervous cocaine addict in a toilet queue.

Why value space over everything else?

Its pretty clear the industary is moving away from HDDs. SDDs arnt just quicker, but vastly smaller physicaly, more durable and (yes) totaly silent.

Basicly its about reducing the moving parts - the less the better! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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UltramanJ (guest) 05.05.2011#34

So the new Nintendo system will match the storage Microsoft used with the first Xbox. Smilie
It would be so much nicer if Nintendo focused more on delivering consumers an all around solid gaming device, rather than cut corners in the name of profits.
And for anyone bringing up the 4GB 360, yeah, ask any half serious 360 owner how much you can do with so little memory on an HD system. It's a joke.

The 20GB on the original Xbox 360 was not enough so 8GB certainly isn't. I really hope Nintendo doesn't go cheap on us again. 120GB costs nothing these days and really should be the minimum if Nintendo ever hope to be able to compete with Sony and Microsoft's Download offerings.

( Edited 05.05.2011 20:27 by Ifrit XXII )

UltramanJ (guest) said:
It would be so much nicer if Nintendo focused more on delivering consumers an all around solid gaming device

That's the only thing Nintendo does. Unfortunately there are too many people in the gaming world whom think "If it's not the highest specs possible, then it isn't any good."

Darkflame said:
Phoenixus said:
If you think HDDs are too slow you must have the patience of a nervous cocaine addict in a toilet queue.

Why value space over everything else?

Its pretty clear the industary is moving away from HDDs. SDDs arnt just quicker, but vastly smaller physicaly, more durable and (yes) totaly silent.

Basicly its about reducing the moving parts - the less the better!

What the...I didn't say that. Smilie

I don't necessarily value space over anything else, but as far as I know SSD is a hell of a lot more expensive than HDD and with the correct hardware engineering (see: PS3 Slim, Xbox 360 S) there is no reason why a HDD can't be perfectly viable as a storage solution. Instead of putting in 8GB of SSD I'd rather have 120GB of HDD with the ability to install games, download demos and games in excess of 2GB in size and even store media on the console. HDD isn't that bad performance wise that replacing it with 8GB is a viable alternative in this day and age.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

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