Let's Golf! 2 Swinging its Way Onto 3DS eShop

By 26.03.2011 1


Gameloft, who are most notable for their mobile and general portable games, have confirmed they will be bringing Let’s Golf! 2 over to the Nintendo 3DS.

The game was originally developed for Apple’s iPhone over a year back and now the company plan to port it over to Nintendo’s new system, through its eShop store. It’s one of the many games that Gameloft plan to bring over to the system, with the company stating they will be porting other best-selling games.

No information was given about the 3DS port, but it’s presumable that it will include the option for 3D visuals. If the game comes with the same amount of content as the original iPhone version, then expect at least 108 holes across six different courses. Online multiplayer and worldwide leaderboards were also included.

Gameloft president, Michel Guillemot, also spoke about the Nintendo 3DS and what he feels it offers.

The Nintendo 3DS system offers developers new tools to create unique game experiences on a mobile console," said Michel Guillemot, president of Gameloft. "At the height of technology, with glasses free 3D viewing and the ability to connect players in unique ways, the 3DS allows us to offer fresh and attractive gameplay for new communities of players.

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It's a good game, and if it's the same size as the iPhone version, then Nintendo doesn't have the size restrictions on 3DSware that WiiWare has, since the first game is 167MB alone.

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