Crytek UK Working on New Timesplitters?

By 16.03.2011 6

Crytek UK Working on New Timesplitters? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Since the closure of Free Radical and the movement of staff to Crytek UK, there has been no light shone upon the Timesplitters series or whether it would return at all.

During a recent interview with Crytek, conducted by Develop, a number of questions was put forward to the company. One of the questions asked related to the companies UK based team, Crytek UK, and whether they work in collaboration with the main headquarters in Germany or work on their own. The response was a positive one, with the company saying they work on their own and they are currently working on a new project now.

The project will apparently be announced at E3 or just after. Crytek say that they think the big announcement will make people happy. Could this be a return to the Timesplitters series?

Are you giving Crytek UK the space to do their own work now, or will they be used for more collaboration?

The way the studio is set up means we don’t have to tell them what to do - the thinking is more about what we [Crytek management] can do to help them get on with their own work. We come to mutual conclusions on projects, and I think at E3 this year - or just after - we are going to make a big announcement that I think people will be happy about. I think the gaming scene and the UK scene are going to be very pleased with the new project they’re working on.

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It's looking like it, but if it is, it's unlikely to appear on Wii or 3DS, because Crytek UK use CryEngine3. Hopefully a reduced 3DS version can be made.

I'm looking forward to E3 already.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

The wait for TS4 is almost like waiting for Shenmue 3 for me! I seriously hope this is what they're working on. More advanced mapmaker and full online flame tag matches, and it's an instant buy.

16 Player online 360 version please! I might not need another game for about a year.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

WOWA WIWA!! I hope so, I loved TS2 what a fun multiplayer game that was!
Imagine TS3 with Crytek engine...Smilie wowzers in my trousers!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I really hope this game gets made. A couple days ago, me and my friends played timesplitters 3. It was so awesome. Especially Siberia and Training Grounds. Another thing that made this game so cool was the millions of characters you could choose (monkeys were cheap though). I would always be the handyman Smilie

Wesleh (guest) 30.03.2011#6


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