Miyamoto on the N64 Remakes of Zelda and Star Fox for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2011 13

Miyamoto on the N64 Remakes of Zelda and Star Fox for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are bringing two of the most loved Nintendo 64 classics to the 3DS. Miyamoto explains why in the latest Iwata Asks feature.

In the latest chapters between Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto, the pair reflect on how far the company and gaming have come since the Nintendo 64, but how these gems still have relevance and appeal today.

Miyamoto explains how he'd always wanted to push both Star Fox 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time further, and given it's been just under thirteen years since the pair hit the market, it seems like the right time to do so.

Both titles, originally released for the Nintendo 64, are being visually enhanced for a modern audience, in 3D with higher-resolution textures and slicker animation.

Miyamoto and Nintendo want to bring back the love for newer gamers who didn't get a chance to feel the original, but also add that bit more depth and sense of "really being there" to the gameplay.

The biggest reason for me personally [to remake Ocarina of Time] was that I myself wanted to see the majestic scenery of Hyrule in stereoscopic 3D.

In all honesty, wanting to get that sense of really "being there", in 3D, was a very big factor behind this.

The pair also reminisce about what makes Ocarina of Time so special and memorable for most fans, including cinematic techniques and the blending of both story and gameplay elements.

Lastly, Miyamoto teases about the 3DS-exclusive features found in the Zelda remake, with the upcoming game "crammed with interesting things that weren't in the Nintendo 64 version".

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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I can only hope Starfox 64 has new stuff for older players too.

( Edited 12.03.2011 10:32 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

It's actually Iwata who said that part with the interesting new things. Smilie

As with every Iwata Asks, a good read as always. I'm really curious now about what they've added. Smilie

new interesting things? So does that mean we will see the lost Fairy Temple :O

Squidboy said:
I can only hope Starfox 64 has new stuff for older players too.

An online multiplayer mode is a must.

If its Ura-Zelda ill buy this. it was the 64DD expansion that was never released. if memory serves me correct im sure it was completed but just never released. it had new characters and areas! now that would be a reason for me on top of all the new aesthetics to purchase this

Wonder if we'll get a trailer at e3 showing us some of these so called new features. That'd be pretty awesome to show.

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I'm not sure why everyone is talking about Ura-Zelda. As far as I know Ura-Zelda was just the codename for Master Quest. It was never going to be a completely different game, just a harder/changed version of Ocarina of Time similar to a harder difficulty level on some games.

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PMD said:
I'm not sure why everyone is talking about Ura-Zelda. As far as I know Ura-Zelda was just the codename for Master Quest. It was never going to be a completely different game, just a harder/changed version of Ocarina of Time similar to a harder difficulty level on some games.

At the time, that's not what the magazines were saying. You were supposed to be able to visit the temple of light like any other dungeon for one thing. You could also get the ability to throw waves of energy with your sword, just like you could in A Link to the Past with the Master Sword. And there's also the Unicorn Fountain which is a source of debates.

This might be just the magazines having stretched what Nintendo representatives may have told them but we might never know for sure.

It's safe to assume that Master Quest as it was released on GameCube is a mere shadow of what Ura-zelda was originally supposed to be. After all, a 64DD disk was 512Mbit in size as opposed to just the 256Mbit of the original game. Hard to imagine that such a huge space (for the time) would just contain data for alternate actor positions in the dungeons, which would be just a fraction of the original size, not to mention that the original OoT cart was required to play Ura-Zelda, so it used the data from the original version, which brings the whole size to a whopping 768MBit. A bit huge for just different dungeons... especially when you know how much that data storage capacity costed at the time. besides Miyamoto himself said that a lot of content had to be dropped from OoT due to cartridge constraints.

My guess is that some of the features originally planned, that we never saw in the finished products will find its way onto OoT 3DS, or maybe the added elements will be entirely new and unrelated to previous development... or a mix of the two. Can't wait to know more

( Edited 12.03.2011 15:36 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

my understanding is that master quest is only a small part of what ura zelda was ( mainly the dungeon reshuffle) but it was supposed to be so much more. it addressed certain unexplained things within oot, like the unbeatable runner in hyrule field. there was supposedly an extra 2 temples as well where u collected the ice medallion and light medallions. i remember back then seeing link in a white tunic and also a gold one but they never materialised in oot. i have no doubt ura exists. its if nintendo can b bothered to put in the effort to get it to release. id even take it as dlc

I'd be shocked if all of the true Ura Zelda stuff actually gets added to OOT3D. Everyone knows about the supposed Light Temple that never made it. Wonder if they'd really go so far as to add all of those things in to give us the true version of what OOT should have been?

I want them to, but I would be extremely surprised to see that be the case.

I don't want Ninty and 3rd parties to get in the habit of re-releasing classics updated for 3DS, but on the other hand, there are a slew of N64 classics I would KILL to have completely revamped and re-released for it! Smilie

...Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, please? Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
I don't want Ninty and 3rd parties to get in the habit of re-releasing classics updated for 3DS, but on the other hand, there are a slew of N64 classics I would KILL to have completely revamped and re-released for it! Smilie

...Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, please? Smilie

Likewise. The 3DS and OOT3D aren't even out yet but I'm already hoping for a Majora's Mask 3D and Wind Waker 3D. At the same time though, I want brand new Zeldas worked from the ground up for the 3DS (preferably a brand new cel-Zelda).

Wonder if it's easy to port games straight to the console? Wouldn't mind having portable Mario Sunshine or other GameCube games.

( Edited 13.03.2011 01:20 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
MechaG2 said:
I don't want Ninty and 3rd parties to get in the habit of re-releasing classics updated for 3DS, but on the other hand, there are a slew of N64 classics I would KILL to have completely revamped and re-released for it! Smilie

...Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, please? Smilie

Likewise. The 3DS and OOT3D aren't even out yet but I'm already hoping for a Majora's Mask 3D and Wind Waker 3D. At the same time though, I want brand new Zeldas worked from the ground up for the 3DS (preferably a brand new cel-Zelda).


Azuardo said:
Wonder if it's easy to port games straight to the console? Wouldn't mind having portable Mario Sunshine or other GameCube games.

Actually, I think I'd like that too, but I'd much rather have them fully upgraded. SmilieSmilie

( Edited 13.03.2011 19:33 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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