Nanostray Team Working on Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 17.02.2011 5

Nanostray Team Working on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shin'en Multimedia has today confirmed to Cubed3 that the Nanostray team is working on Nintendo 3DS.  The German outfit, which has had recent success with WiiWare games such as Art of Balance and Jett Rocket, is soon set to release FAST: Racing League, also on WiiWare.  However, the team has contacted Cubed3 to confirm that the group that brought the very impressive Nanostray 2 to Nintendo DS, is now working on an unannounced action game for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS that began development back in Autumn 2010.

What could this possibly be, and would you liked to Nanostray 3 on 3DS as well?

Box art for Nanostray 2

Shin'en Multimedia







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Our member of the week

I'd say a new shmup series (The GBA got Iridion, the DS Nanostray...)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

ooo, definite must buy for me!!!

I will keep an eye on this project.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore
jwells (guest) 18.02.2011#4

Nanostray 3 or a 3D Iridion with more story would be great! Maybe something similar to an updated Galaxy Force.Smilie

What could this possibly be, and would you liked to Nanostray 3 on 3DS as well?

I would sacrifice a goat for Nanostray 3.

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