Tales of Graces Heads to US; No Wii?

By Adam Riley 02.02.2011 23

Tales of Graces Heads to US; No Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai has confirmed Tales of Graces will be heading to the US. After pleading with fans to raise support for the Tales of RPG series on its US community boards, an official website has been opened that states: "Coming soon to North America."

Whilst this may come as fantastic news to Wii owners that were disappointed to never receive Tales of Innocence and Tales of Hearts on Nintendo DS, the worrying element of this story comes in the form of the image below:

Image for Tales of Graces Heads to US; No Wii?

This is the logo for the PlayStation 3 upgraded edition of the Wii title, Tales of Graces F. For the moment, the website has no formal indication of platform release, but Wii fans may want to hold off the partying just for the moment in case Namco Bandai is set to cause massive sadness amongst the Nintendo ranks, possibly due to Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World performing below expectations.

Are you excited at the prospect of seeing Tales of Graces translated into English, and would you be crushed if only the PS3 edition made it over instead of the Wii one?

Box art for Tales of Graces

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Roxk (guest) 02.02.2011#1

Does anyone actually purchase Tales on Ps3? It doesn't seen like a right for ps3?

The problem (for Nintendo fans) is that ToS sold poorly worldwide, and ToG sold less than ToS in Japan, whereas the PS3 port did REALLY well, as did Vesperia PS3...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

The PS3 version's extra content was built off the same framework as the rest of the game, which was a direct porting of the original stuff from the Wii version, so it wouldn't be difficult for them to port the new stuff onto a Wii version.

Just a question of whether they'd bother releasing it on two systems; the next Tales game is PS3 only, so focusing only on PS3 for any future Tales games in the US and EU might be a wise move to focus the audience. Then again, bringing over Vesperia PS3 certainly would have helped that, but they aren't. Smilie

I thought they'd spruced the graphics up to HD quality as well? Tales games have a greater presence on Nintendo formats in the West, stretching from the GBA to GC, and now Wii.

Very sad that TotT, ToI and ToH on DS never made it over Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Well, yeah, the game had an HD boost, but it shouldn't be too difficult to revert that and plaster on the new stuff.

I guess at the very least, Innocence has had a fan translation (and a damn good one too, I can vouch for that), and Hearts is in progress at the moment. The series staying Japan-centric is certainly good encouragement to learn the language at least. Smilie

I don't understand why 3rd party companies blame the Wii fanbase when their below-par games don't do well.

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World wasn't good. At all. Period. The end.

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Phoenixus said:
I guess at the very least, Innocence has had a fan translation (and a damn good one too, I can vouch for that), and Hearts is in progress at the moment. The series staying Japan-centric is certainly good encouragement to learn the language at least. Smilie

I've just started playing the ToI translation...you played much of it? Enough to review it, perhaps? Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
I've just started playing the ToI translation...you played much of it? Enough to review it, perhaps? Smilie

Heh, about halfway through at a guess. But I can't pick it back up because of the DSi Firmware update blocking my card. And there's no workaround yet. Dumb me for updating. Smilie

What about Europe? Smilie

It would really suck if they brought Tales of Graces to the West(or even US only..) for the PS3 only as I don't own one.

Just when I was hoping to get into the Tales games with this title... Smilie Maybe more luck with Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS?

I think I can genuinely say I give less of a fuck than George Bush about this. (star'd if you get the reference?)

I really liked Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Vesperia, and even what little I played of Tales of Phantasia, but other than that the series really hasn't been able to hold my interest. =/

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due to Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World performing below expectations.

Well the game didn't meet the fans' expectatons. Maybe that would explain why it didn't meet their sales expectations Smilie ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I wont be sad. I will pick it up for the ps3. A game like this doesnt make good use of the wii remote so I would prefer better graphics

Idiotic really. The ToS was a unappealing game, so it didn't sale. That simple.

I can understand them wanted to do a PS3 port - but not publishing an already existing Wii version here is just nuts.

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I loved both ToS games. I played Vesperia and couldn't stand it. I couldn't figure out the controls at all. You can map it or whatever, but the characters always seem to just do whatever the hell they want, no matter what I press.

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Goonie (guest) 03.02.2011#15

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World sold much better in US than Tales of Vesperia for the Xbox360, which has almost the same users as the PS3.

It would be another desaster sales record for Namco if they bring only the PS3 version to US and Europe.

Multikonsolero (guest) 03.02.2011#16

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World sold much better than Vesperia on Xbox360.

I hope Namco doesn't want another Tales Game with low sales in US when they release this only for PS3

Fatahl (guest) 04.02.2011#17

well i wont exactly be sad, itd be easier for me to get it for wii but i can barrow a ps3 if need be.

You know the Wii will never be getting more great games UNLESS devs freaking put great games ON THEM!!!! It takes good games to see sales & there have not been NEARLY enough developers who've tried hard enough to help the Wii. Huge freaking injustice....I hate SOny.

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Chibi243 (guest) 12.02.2011#19

I dont think its right for the comapny to jsut release it out for ps3 (it was produced as Wii game...it should be prodced for wii and ps3) it would nto be fair for wii owners. and it looks like it should be for wii, the details I have seen over the last few months seem to be proof to me. I have tlaes of semphonia...I like it but wish Wii would have more Tales games...just my opinion.

EvilNeku (guest) 15.05.2011#20

OMG PLEASE make a us wii version please Smilie

captain (guest) 12.11.2011#21

I am going to be destroyed if this game doesn't come out for wii, I love the Tales series but don't have a ps3.

xvc (guest) 04.05.2012#22

and why is nintendo to be blamed for TOS2? you can clearly see its sucks compared to the gamecube version,so its game itself to be blamed.

xvc (guest) 24.09.2012#23

forget about those rumor,enjoy what you have now and wii kind of dead now for releasing WiiU and all. in the past there was various tales game didn't make it outside japan

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