Swimsuit Fun in Rune Factory Oceans (Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2011 4

Swimsuit Fun in Rune Factory Oceans (Wii) on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Upcoming Marvelous RPG Rune Factory Oceans is set to take simulation further with swimsuit competitions, marriage and babies.

In what sounds like scenarios from a typical TV sitcom, aside from travelling about the world in a giant beast, players will be able to engage in real-life activities according to an in-game seasonal clock. At one point the bikinis will come out, others it'll be time for that fluffy winter coat.

Image for Swimsuit Fun in Rune Factory Oceans (Wii)

Some of the other activities include befriending monsters in dungeons with a magic brush to help you out in battles, collecting items to merge into new creations for yourself or townsfolk and completing quests outlined in the town's noticeboard.

At one point you may even be able to get married and have virtual offspring. All in a day's work for the male/female hybrid Azel and Sonia!

Image for Swimsuit Fun in Rune Factory Oceans (Wii)

Gagging for more Rune Factory? Be sure to check our our exclusive Rune Factory 2 interview with producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto-san.

Box art for Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
Also known as

Rune Factory: Oceans









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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (2 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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If you can't wait, you can always change the calender of your Wii!

If you can't wait, you can always change the calender of your Wii!

Actually you can't, the Rune Factory/ Harvest Moon Games don't use the Wii's internal calendar like Animal Crossing does and instead run on their own in game calendar, with four months representing the four seasons. Time only passes in game while you're playing the game, so you can't just change the date at will.

( Edited 07.01.2011 16:36 by ChaosOnline )


MysticD (guest) 07.01.2011#4

This made me happy Smilie

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