WIN: Call of Duty: Black Ops (Wii)

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.11.2010 11

Head into a world driven by conflict in Activision's latest installment in the long-running Call of Duty franchise.

The seventh entry sees you take on the role of special forces operatives who perform black operations behind the enemy lines - often illegal operations with a high level of security.

The good people at Argos are offering readers the chance to win one of three copies of the Wii version of the game!

To enter simply answer the following question, including your user-name and contact email.

What is funding for a Black Operation known as?

A.) Black Coins
B.) Black Budget
C.) Black Cash

Your Username:
Your Email:

Competition closes Monday 15th November 2010, 6pm GMT. Good luck!

The copies of Call of Duty:Black Ops have been supplied courtesy of, who provide a wide range of video games including great deals on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii.

Competition Rules

  • You must be over 18 to take part.
  • UK/US/Europe and Australian entrants only.
  • The game is PAL only. You must have a working PAL Wii to take part.
  • Entrants must be registered members of Cubed3 to take part.
  • Competition not open to employees of Cubed3, Argos or Activision.
  • The competition ends on 15th November 2010. 6pm GMT. Winners will be notified through a news post and via e-mail.
  • Winners must provide their details within five days of being contacted by Cubed3. Failing this another entrant will be selected at random.
  • Entries are limited to one per person and per household. The submitting of duplicate or multiple entries shall result in instant disqualification, unless stated otherwise. The decision made as to the winner is final and no correspondence shall be entered into. There is no cash alternative for the prize. We do not hold responsibility for the prize being lost, delayed or damaged during postage.

    Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





    First Person Shooter



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (12 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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    Please be US too. Please US too. Please be US too.


    EDIT: Oh

    ( Edited 02.11.2010 21:18 by Sonic_13 )

    Sorry about that Sonic_13, I've amended the page - the competition is open to US, UK, Europe and AUS members. Forgot to change it from a previous comp!

    Bare in mind that the games are PAL format, so if you or another US member wins a copy you'll need a way to play it on an NTSC machine..

    Thanks Smilie and good luck!

    ( Edited 02.11.2010 21:07 by jb )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Oh, I see. I was a little confused about the conflicting rules.

    Though I guess it is still Europe only because the PAL requirement, so I'll just go sit patiently in the corner for future contests.

    Unless there's a way to play PAL games on a North American Wii (without modification).

    ( Edited 02.11.2010 21:19 by Sonic_13 )

    Unless there's a way to play PAL games on a North American Wii (without modification).

    Does require a bit of a soft-mod... but!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I'm 17 but I'll be 18 on the 24th November.. please tell me I can still enter. D: (I answered anyways)

    I don't have a PAL Wii, so if I win, I'll give my prize to someone in Europe. I don't really want the prize, but since I have never won anything in my life, I'd like to know what it feels like to win.

    PMD said:
    I don't have a PAL Wii, so if I win, I'll give my prize to someone in Europe. I don't really want the prize, but since I have never won anything in my life, I'd like to know what it feels like to win.

    Ooh ooh, pick me pick me. It could be a Birthday present. Lol jk. Smilie

    In the War (guest) 03.11.2010#8

    You guys are dumb! That question is so easy you should have had a harder one about war and stuff.

    In the War (guest) said:
    You guys are dumb! That question is so easy you should have had a harder one about war and stuff.
    Umm.. don't most multiple choice competitions have easy questions?

    PunkFan (guest) 08.11.2010#10

    I really hope I win, I've never win anything! The Wii is going to be as good as xbox and ps3, not graphics wise but everything else. I love my wii Smilie

    I have everything required ^^ i hope i win cause i never won anything on the internet >.<

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