Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer and Zombie Modes

By Calum Peak 01.11.2010 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer and Zombie Modes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Treyarch have been extremely secretive with information on Call of Duty: Black Ops, even more so for its Wii edition. However, in a recent interview with Anna Donlon, the senior producer for Call of Duty projects at Treyarch, all has been revealed. She explains that the team behind the Wii version have kept it as close to its HD (and even 3D) counterparts with full story mode and online capabilities, whilst pushing the functionality of the console even further than they did with World at War.

Q: So, why should the Wii players be excited for Black Ops on the Wii?

Well, let’s start with the basics. We’re giving the fans the full single-player storyline, with huge maps and an amazing story that I think will really blow them away. We’re also back with 5v5 multiplayer, all maps and all game modes, including the newly introduced Wager Matches and Contracts.

But, like I said, we pushed things a little harder this year, and can now confirm that the Wii version will have online Co-Op. We’re doing this through Black Ops’ new Combat Training mode and of course... ZOMBIES. That’s right, 4-player Co-Op Zombies will have its debut on the Wii this year.

There was one day on the project where we were playing Zombies and I was yelling at my Associate Producer, Aaron Roseman, from down the hallway to come Revive me (which I’m sad to admit he has to do quite often). It quickly became clear, as we screamed back and forth at each other, that we had to have headset support for all of our online modes. That’s why the introduction of the Headbanger Headset to this game is so exciting to us. It really takes the online experience in both Multiplayer and Zombies to the next level on the Wii.

And then there’s the Classic Controller Pro. Don’t get me wrong, I love playing the game with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, especially after I customize the controls to my heart’s content. But once we started supporting the Classic Controller Pro, I was hooked. Now I find myself switching back and forth between the two depending on my mood and what game mode I’m playing.

There’s a bunch of other new features that we developed this year as well. We’ve created a new "Allies" system that allows you to invite recent players to be your allies for text messaging, game invites and more without a need for code exchanges. We have more player customization in Create a Class than ever before and we have enhanced party privacy options for players who want to set up their private matches with a little more control over who they allow in.

Q: What’s been your most memorable experience in the months leading to launch?

There was an evening we were at work pretty late and four of us decided to jump into a Zombies match, headsets and all. We were all pretty tired, and ready to go home, but after a few rounds, we couldn’t put it down. Out of nowhere, I hear Matt Kimberling (Technical Director on the Wii) yell out, "The Wii players are gonna freakin’ love this!" And we all knew he was right. It was the missing piece of the puzzle on the Wii, and an accomplishment we’re all pretty proud of.

Q: Anything in particular you’d like to say to all the Call of Duty Wii fans out there?

The game is awesome on the Wii. We made it for you guys. Enjoy it! And I’ll see you online!

Additional to this, there has been a leak of the much anticipated Zombie mode which was a player favourite in World at War. Suffice to say, it makes a hefty return with rather intriguing characters; that is to say, who wouldn't want to kill zombies as John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Robert McNamara or Fidel Castro whilst they burst out hilarious quotes?

Apologies for the poor quality of the video.

Black Ops is shaping up to be a corker of a game, especially for the Wii, will you be picking this title up when it hits stores next Tuesday 9th?

Box art for Call of Duty: Black Ops





First Person Shooter



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Lol Jack Kennedy, still, great to see that Zombies will be on the Wii version, the game's going to be packed with multiplayer modes.

Still, no footage of the Wii version.

They really went all-out, here. The only way this could get better is if they announce dlc support, but even without, this looks epic.
Now I need to get my mom to change the preorder from xbox to Wii, haha. The douches at gamestop convinced her that her sons would want the xbox version :/

NNID: crackedthesky
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Calum Peak (Echoes221) said:
Black Ops is shaping up to be a corker of a game, especially for the Wii

Is "corker" a British term?
Based on the context I'm assuming it means good (although it sounds like it could also be applied negatively).

I want to get an FPS, but I think I'm going to get GoldenEye. I did rent Modern Warfare and it was a lot of fun, especially online.

( Edited 01.11.2010 21:48 by Sonic_13 )

I shall be getting this on Wii and 360.. probably the Wii version first, after I've seen some gameplay footage.
Definitely not getting it on release though, will wait a few months or so probably.

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