Time Travellers Debut 3DS Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.10.2010 13

Time Travellers Debut 3DS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first high quality footage and screens of Level-5's upcoming project Time Travellers have warped onto the internet.

The game was previously mentioned within Nintendo's software lists at E3 and earlier this week was shown at developer Level-5's annual showcase. Since then the trailer has been uploaded in high-quality, featuring a regular girl on her normal train commute suddenly teleported to the roof of a huge tower by a rather disturbing looking fellow. The rest is up to you to see...

Writer Jiro Ishi is hoping the game will sell at least half a million to a million units, and promises that the new project will be story-driven and be built with a new game style in mind to try and lure in a bigger audience compared to the studio's past games.

Image for Time Travellers Debut 3DS Trailer
Box art for Time Travelers
Also known as

Time Travellers









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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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This trailer is really intriguing. Im quite excited aboout it. Just depends on the type of game it will develop to be. I hope its not a point and click game. A new type of RPG would be good.

Gut feeling tells me this is going to excellent.

The disturbing fellow is "Skeleton". He's seen the future. The girl is called "Mikoto Shinmichi".

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Looks pretty cool, wonder what genre of game it'll be though?

Yoshindo (guest) 21.10.2010#4

meeto_0 said:
This trailer is really intriguing. Im quite excited aboout it. Just depends on the type of game it will develop to be. I hope its not a point and click game. A new type of RPG would be good.

I completely agree with you. This trailer has me pretty hyped so far. My question is if the footage was shown using an in-game engine? I feel like it could be and I certainly hope it is.

I doubt this will come to the west. It just doesn't have any market appeal, unless the gameplay is amazing. I don't think the storytelling will sell well with western audiences either, based on the trailer.

However, it does look like a good game and has a lot of promise.

( Edited 21.10.2010 08:37 by PMD )

With what I saw in the trailer, it makes me wonder if it's a groundhog day kind of story, with the same day playing over and over and you having to try and help people or something.

Hm I don't know how this looks like the Groundhog Day concept, can you explain?

If you like that kind of thing though, you should watch the 14 episodes of Daybreak. A guy gets accused of murder and gets stuck in that day. He has to use that day over and over again to find out who set him up. Very good show, I watched it twice.

Reminds me a bit of "The Girl That Lempt Though Time"

Canyarion said:
If you like that kind of thing though, you should watch the 14 episodes of Daybreak. A guy gets accused of murder and gets stuck in that day. He has to use that day over and over again to find out who set him up. Very good show, I watched it twice.

Yes, was pretty good.
Like 24+Groundhog day. Shame it was canceled Smilie

Other good timey-wimmy stuff is the films "Triangle" and "Primer". A bit hardcore those though, you need plenty of diagrams to work them out Smilie

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Reminds me a bit of "The Girl That Lempt Though Time" anime.

I also thought the same.

Looks like it could be really good.

Darkflame said:
Other good timey-wimmy stuff is the films "Triangle" and "Primer". A bit hardcore those though, you need plenty of diagrams to work them out Smilie

Seen Triangle before. Great film, bit of a mindfuck though.

Just wondering really. But I thought it looked a bit like she was trying to kill herself at the end, maybe to try and escape the cycle. That's just me wondering. It could be something completely different though.

That clicking on options bit, with the lower screen, and the level of detail in graphics makes me wonder if it isn't like "Heavy Rain" or something.

I guess if it is like Heavy Rain, there is a chance of it coming west. I say that without actually knowing how well HR performed in sales.

I definitely like what I see so far. It reminds me of [good] Japanese anime. The graphics look great, and as far as the promises of interesting gameplay and being story-driven... I'm all eyes and ears. I'll definitely be tracking this game!

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