Tetris Bonks Omega Five onto 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.10.2010 4

Tetris Bonks Omega Five onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More Hudson favourites are set to do the 3D thing on Nintendo's forthcoming handled with the studio confirming new games.

Listed on Hudson's 3DS directory are several new additions, including prehistoric caveman antics with Bonk and the always-addictive Tetris. Hudson previously confirmed a new Bomberman game and Deca Sports for the handheld.

Also in the works looks to be a port of the Xbox Live Arcade project from Natsume, Omega Five. It's unclear whether it'll be a port, remix or a completely new game - but at this stage it'll likely be a remake designed with 3D in mind.

Spring 2011
Kororinpa series
Deca Sports Extreme
Omega Five

Via Siliconera.

Box art for Dragon Ball Z Budokai








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A new Bonk? Wow, that is just... remarkable.

Our member of the week

Meh... Aside from Omega Five there's not much going on...

Bomberman and Tetris might be good, if they're anything like Tetris DS (which was just purely awesome IMO) or Bomberman Tournament (which is still my favorite).

I still hope to find Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack for N64 in US import btw Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm looking forward to seeing the 3DS version of Bonk / PC Kid, mainly because the upcoming WiiWare, PSN & XBLA game, looks weak. I'm really hoping this 3DS game will be totally different and more akin to the classics I loved.

Here's hoping Bomberman 3DS will be a return to form, there hasn't been a great game in many years now. If Hudson models the game on the great Saturn version, they can't go wrong.

The XBLA version of Omega Five is a good game, this 3DS version should follow suit.

Interested to see how well the motion controls on Kororinpa turn out.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Would love another Pocket Bomberman, or at least a mode within the game like that - would be awesome. Good stuff on Bonk and Tetris too. Agreed that the DS Tetris is highly addictive, loved the remixed Nintendo levels too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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