Rune Factory Oceans Screens, Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.10.2010 5

Rune Factory Oceans Screens, Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Famitsu has posted new screens (from the PS3 version) and details of upcoming Marvelous RPG, Rune Factory Oceans in action.

Oceans is the new entry in the Harvest Moon spin-off series, once again seamlessly blending farming simulation with traditional RPG and combat action. As previously reported players will be able to take on the role of a guy called Azel and a girl known as Sonia.

Image for Rune Factory Oceans Screens, Details

Image for Rune Factory Oceans Screens, Details

According to Andriasang though there'll be a unique twist: both characters are trapped in the same body. When they arrive in the new land, occupied on the back of a huge giant, know they arrived is unknown and although they share one body, the pair still have their own individual thoughts and personalities. These come to light in certain situations, like talking to specific genders for example.

Rune Factory Oceans out in Japan on February 24 2011, and those who adopt the new game early will receive a bonus "Visual Book", full of original art, guest illustration and a guide to Rune Factory concept for the newbies.

Image for Rune Factory Oceans Screens, Details
Box art for Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
Also known as

Rune Factory: Oceans









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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I don't think the Wii version will look too far off the PS3 version given the style. I

I wonder if there's fish farming...This new game should incorporate the setting somehow, being able create new islands is fine, but you should be able to make use of the sea also.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Aye, certainly doesn't look like a PS3 game - methinks the Wii version will be near identical.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Really liked both DS games as well as the Wii version so a new one is always great news. Now it needs to be released over here AND I need to see what the differences are between the Wii and PS3 versions.

Shittest looking PS3 game ever? The Wii version will probably look quite nice.

Disappointed it's not Raguna and Mist again. :c

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Shiva (guest) 14.11.2010#5

OMG! Que excelente noticia!Smilie

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