New Rune Factory for Wii, PS3

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.10.2010 2

New Rune Factory for Wii, PS3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Marvelous has confirmed the latest entry in the Rune Factory series, complete with two protagonists and marriage!

The latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu spilled the beans, confirming Rune Factory Oceans for both Wii and Sony's PS3. Must like the past games Oceans will be a blend of simulation and real-time combat. This time round you'll even be able to nab a bridge or two in using the dating sim aspect!

As for the main game we find ourselves upon a huge giant known as Ymir, made up of huge oceans and various islands. The unique twist here is that Ymir has the ability to literally pick up and move around islands, opening up new paths and pushing along the story. Two protagonist flavours will be available - a chap known as Azel and his female counterpart Sonia.

The PS3 edition will offer support for the Playstation Move controllers.

Rune Factory: Oceans will wash up onto Japanese shores on February 24, 2011.

Box art for Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
Also known as

Rune Factory: Oceans









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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Cool, but one is left to wonder if the Wii version has motion support also, when you put it like that.

( Edited 16.10.2010 00:25 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
John (guest) 15.10.2010#2

I think it's a given that it will support Wii motion controlers seeing as those are the standerd controller, no need to mention "support" for your standerd controle option.

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