The studio who planted the seeds for Harvest Moon, Marvelous Entertainment, discussed 3DS and innovating for the future.
Siliconera recently spoke to Marvelous' Tomio Kanazawa on the studio's current situation, working on the new 3D console for Nintendo and how to recover from the financial setbacks that have poked the company throughout the last year or so.
The studio is keen to continue to put out high quality games based on feedback from gamers and the press on Muramasa and Little King's Story. Sales have been difficult in all regions, including Japan as Marvelous feels there's a shift in the target market for Wii. Open to new markets and audiences, like the iPad for example. Excited about the 3DS, "a new sense of joy" with muliple projects already in development for the new system including Harvest Moon 3DS and the recently confirmed Animal Resort.Often-used phrases like “technical progress” and “next-gen” can’t begin to describe just how revolutionary this system is.
The team have explored different ways to take advantage of online play, particuarly in the 3DS to bring something unique to the farming series. Aside from Harvest Moon Kanazawa is asking fans - what Marvelous IPs would you like to see a sequel for?