3DS Pricing Based on E3 Reactions

By 30.09.2010 18

3DS Pricing Based on E3 Reactions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Disappointed about the Nintendo 3DS pricing? according to Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata, it may be you that contributed to the systems hefty price.

Speaking during an analysts meeting about the 3DS, the Nintendo President of Japan was questioned on the 3DS's high price tag. He then replied that the systems pricing decision was based on a number of factors, including the reactions towards the system at E3.

Nintendo revealed a whole slew of new information about the new handheld yesterday, during a Nintendo Conference held in Japan. The system is set to launch at a price of ¥25,000, when it hits Japanese stores on February 26th 2011. The system will come in in two colours, Cosmos Black and Aqua Blue. Games in development for the system include The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Kid Icarus and Mario Kart.

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I wouldnt pay more then �£180 for a handheld period. But that because Im not a heavy user of handhelds

I hope this isn't the start of another N64 style arrogant Nintendo.

I think they know they are the first out with a device like this so they are taking advantage of customers and the demand.

Lol, so if everyone was like "meh" at E3, they'd make it �£99?

I can see why it being newer, improved tech that it would be that price, but still I was expecting it for around �£150/160 max. Did Nintendo survey people how much they'd actually pay?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

In the UK, I'm expecting a �£180 price tag.

It's a shame that Nintendo use excitement for the 3DS as an excuse to up the price. Smilie

The price is fine if they just bundle a game.

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I'm expecting 180 in the U.K, for that price I hope Nintendo includes some free 3DSWare points.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I do 90% of all my gaming on my DSi so a 3DS is a solid investment for me. I'll probably have to wait until december 2011 to get one since the baby is born in the last week of march/1st week of april (or at least that's the current estimate) and a $250 expense is a big no-no right then.

It's the same price as Wii was when launched in Japan. I'm estimating �£180 - �£220; not too bad I don't think.

Ifrit XXII said:
It's a shame that Nintendo use excitement for the 3DS as an excuse to up the price. Smilie

It's what nearly all companies do. Supply and demand.

It really shouldn't be over �£200 considering it's a handheld, but I also wouldn't be surprised @_@

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'd like to see how people would have reacted if the 3DS used weak tech and was very cheap. They would probably complain about how Nintendo doesn't care about hardware and that the graphics are so last-gen. With the 3DS, Nintendo listened and made a graphical powerhouse and yet people are still complaining big time.

People want great tech but at the same time aren't willing to pay for it.

The original ds was fairly advanced for it's time aswell. Touchscreen' 3d graphics, wifi and 2 screens a gba effectively bundled with it in 2004. It launched at ��£120, only difference between now and then was people where expecting it to flop and be over taken by the psp and the next proper gameboy handheld.
And I wouldn't call it a powerhouse the psp is fairly close too what it can do kind of like ps2 vs xbox (original) in terms of power, there is a difference but it's definitely in a similar ball park. And the psp came out in 2004. :/

( Edited 30.09.2010 23:04 by Jimmy2000 )

The 3DS is more Wii level then PSP level.

In fact, its beyond Wii level in terms of shaders.
Self-shadowing, depth of field and motion blur are *really* beyond what the PS2/PSP can do.
(although some games faked them to some extent)

Go back and look at the resident evil tech. Theres nothing close to that on the PSP

( Edited 01.10.2010 01:27 by Darkflame )

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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lol what sups when trying to released top tech, as when it was with the 64

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Opps my bad, meant to give a plus one.

Hilarious price tag. I pity anyone who buys it at that price.

Martin_ said:
Hilarious price tag. I pity anyone who buys it at that price.

Prepare to pity millions of people then.

It must be awesome on that podium huh. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Many millions of people contracted AIDS. Just because AIDS is popular, doesn't mean we shouldn't pity people who have it.

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