Kingdom Hearts 3DS Takes Place After Re:coded

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.09.2010 2

Kingdom Hearts 3DS Takes Place After Re:coded on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix producer Tetsuya Nomura recently discussed upcoming 3DS Kingdom Hearts with Famitsu magazine.

Since being announced as part of Nintendo's chunky line-up for the handheld back at E3, hardly anything is known about the new portable project. Nomura is still keeping schtum, but what he did confirm was Kingdom Hearts 3D (tentative name) is the next project the Birth By Sleep Final Mix team will start work on after they wrap things up.

He also noted that Kingdom Hearts 3DS takes place after Re:Coded.

Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

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Square Enix


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I wonder where the story will be set this time. It is getting very confusing with each game they release now. it could set the stage for KHIII, but I have no idea. Also, I wonder if the reaction commands from Kingdom Hearts 2 will be in or if the battle system for this one on 3DS will use the KH1 battle system. I am very eager to see some gameplay trailers and screen shots. Plus will there be any voice acting.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

This is crazy. Maybe, like Coded, it revolves around digital Sora.

I just don't see how Sora can be a kid any other way, but it certainly looks and sounds really interesting.

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