Earthbound Creators Website Selling Mario & Luigi Sweaters

By 31.08.2010 4

Earthbound Creators Website Selling Mario & Luigi Sweaters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today will bring the end of another month and September will be hitting us. It will be back to school or college for a lot of students, which isn't always a good thing, for some people. Not only that, the weather will likely get chiller soon. Fear not though! since you can now pre-order (that is if you live in Japan) some fantastic looking sweaters, featuring everyone's favourite gaming icon, Mario.

The sweaters have recently appeared on Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shimbun, which is a website owned by Earthbound designer, Shigesato Itoi.

The sweaters come in a beautiful knitted style, which have all been done by hand and feature Mario and Luigi sprites on the front. Epic Mickey fans or Mickey Mouse fans in general can also get their hands on a Mickey Mouse sweater, as well. They also come in two colours, Navy Blue and Grey.

If you're after one, you can order from here. They come at a price of ¥36,000 for the sweater and a matching hat (sold separately) will cost you ¥12,000.

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I love the Mickey Mouse one.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

They look awesome, but there's no way I'm ever going to pay $400 for clothes.

Cool though I'd rather do one myself than paying that amount. It's really easy if you know how to do it Smilie.

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Dude. That's 430 USD or 280 GBP. That's insane.

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